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Ritual of Personal Prayer:

Do this ritual any time.

Use four candles in colors you like or feel to be powerful.

Think carefully about your intention. State it where indicated. This intention can be fairly specific ("Bring XX into my life" or "Help me pass my driving test") or general ("I want to feel better today").

"By the powers of the cleansing fires,
By the powers of the springing tides,
By the powers of the soaring winds,
By the powers of the growing earth,
[State your intention or affirmation]
Let my will be done."

[Light first candle]

"By the powers of the rising sun,
By the powers of the changing moon,
By the powers of the dancing planets,
[Repeat intention or affirmation]
Let my will be done."

[Light second candle]

"By the powers of the shining light,
By the powers of the sheltering dark,
[Repeat intention or affirmation]
Let my will be done."

[Light third candle]

"By the powers of the living Goddess,
[Repeat intention or affirmation]
Let my will be done."

[Light fourth candle]

Sit quietly in the glow of the candlelight and consider what you and the universe can do when you work together on some goal.

~taken from Barbara Ardinger's "A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations"


Self Confidence Spell

In front of your bathroom mirror, every morning without fail, light a red candle and concentrate on the flame for 30 seconds or so before looking into your own eyes.

Tell yourself something along the lines of, "You are beautiful and special. You are perfect and you can do anything you want."

Take a minute to visualise yourself feeling happy and fulfilled. Afterwards, go into your room, or stay in the bathroom and burn some success incense.

Three parts wood aloe, two parts frankincense and one part nutmeg and continue to visualise for another minute or so. Leave the incense burning until it is finished.

If you find incense a bit strong, use an oil burner with some success oil. Check the oils and incense section.


Study Spell Use a yellow candle (intelligence, accelerated learning, memory, and all that other good stuff) and cleansed, consecrated, and empowered quartz....with the quartz you would scratch the rune appropriate to your need...

I use the order rune ( three squares inside of each other) ....if you're not sure of the appropriate rune, just draw a symbol that signifies your need.

As you scratch the symbol you have to visualise your need. You have to see in your mind you've already passed the exam... or you passed the class.... See yourself studying, concentrating, focusing.... You have to really feel and see this is going to happen. Now you would place the candle in a holder... Put the crystal near the candle and light the wick... leave the candle to burn and again visualise...

Also you carry around different gems and stones... These should be worn or carried around with you....

Bloodstone: removes mental and physical blocks.
Fluorite: Strengthen analytical and intellectual abilities.
Rhodhochrosite: Gives energy to keep you going.
Smoky quartz: Energiser.
Sodalite: stress reducer.
Sunstone: Energiser.
Falcons eye: Enables you to focus.
Turquoise: Verbal communication.