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Prosperity Spell

(to be performed on a waxing moon cycle, preferably when the moon is in an earth sign, at least 7 days before the full moon)


1 Green 7 day candle (removable)
1 green stone (malachite or tourmaline)
3 quarters
1 cinnamon stick
swatch of green cloth
green thread or yarn for tying (2 lengths, one that will fit around the candle glass, one which will tie a pouch. [and tie it onto the candle glass])

Money Oil*
Money Drawing Incense**



Remove candle from glass, inscribe your name, (craft or mundane...I prefer craft) in the wax along with runes for money ($, works well).

Grind the herbs to a course powder with a mortar & pestle. While grinding herbs, incant:

"I charge these herbs with the powers of prosperity, growth and success.
As they have risen from the earth, so let abundance rise in my life."
(repeat 3x)

Holding the stone (I use a malachite bead, usually):

"I charge this stone with the powers of prosperity, growth and success.
As the stone is firm and strong, let these thing be steadfast in my life."
(repeat 3x)

Holding the Oil

"I charge this oil with the powers of prosperity, growth and success.
As the oil is clear and fluid,, so let these things flow into my life."
(repeat 3x)

Annoint the candle from base to wick with charged oil, replace in glass Place the stone in with the herbs, sprinkle oil over both. Place half the herbs and the stone in (yes) in the candle glass. Pour more oil over candle. Tie the cinnamon stick onto the candle glass. Place in the center of the altar.Using athame, charge the candle with energy from the 4 directions.

"Spirits of earth, I ask that you aid me in this spell.
Lend your gifts of abundance, prosperity, wealth and success in my life."

"Spirits of the east, I ask that you aid me in this spell.
Lend your gifts of imagination and inspiriation to manifest abundance, prosperity, wealth and success in my life."

"Spirits of the south, I ask that you aid me in this spell.
Lend your gifts of action and motion to manifest abundance, prosperity, wealth and success in my life."

"Spirits of the west, I ask that you aid me in this spell.
Lend your gifts of intuition to manifest abundance, prosperity, wealth and success in my life."

Spend some time projecting your image of what success and prosperity means to you. Whether it's writing checks to pay bills, or whatever.

Then say:

"Mother of life, I call upon you. You who are giver of all things, lend your magick to my spell. As your moon grows larger in the sky, so let these things grow larger in my life. As this flame is lit, let my light go out upon the winds. Grand abundance, prosperity and growth, as you have given these things to the world. So mote it be"

Light the candle.

Put the remaining herbs in the swatch of fabric, fold to make a pouch.

Add the coins Incant (3x):

"May all that I give and all I receive, return threefold to the world, and threefold to me."

Tie the pouch with 3 knots to bind the spell:

"I bind this spell with love and might" (1st knot)
"That all be done for good and right" (2nd knot)
"With harm to none and luck to me,
This spell is done, So Mote It Be." (3rd knot)

Tie pouch to candle glass.
Let the candle burn completely out.
At the end of the week (or however long it takes to burn the candle), fish out the stone, put it in your wallet, or if it's a bead, string it and wear it. Untie the pouch. Sprinkle the herbs in your wallet and/or checkbook and/or mailbox if that's how you receive money. SPEND THE COINS as quickly as possible. It's imperative that you put it out into the world.

*Money Oil:

In a base of about a tablespoon of vegetable oil (I prefer somethng cold-pressed, but wesson will do in a pinch); mix a few drops of patchouli essential oil, heliotrope oil, a healthy pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of patchouli dried herb (fresh would be better), basil. Mix and charge during spell.

*Money Incense:

In a teaspoon of woodbase, mix 10 drops of patchouli oil, 5 drops of heliotrope, some ground cinnamon (preferably hand ground), dried patchouli, dried basil and a pinch of dried peppermint.