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Witch's Protection Spell

(Just a quick note ... these spells raised a lot of controversy on another list because of the "variations" of it ..... the "debates" and "discussions" infered that the spells should never even have been sent because of these "changes. Namely they are:

backyard could be changed to flower pot/ soil from flower pot holy water was oringally urine.)

Sometimes, a Witch will need to protect herself (or himself) from other's who wish to do them harm.

This could be for any reason at all, nevertheless, we need a spell to protect ourselves.

The following is the ingredients for a Witch's Protection Bottle and it works in two ways. It not only protects you, but it will deflect the harm towards you back to the originator.


Get a glass jar such as a Mason jar, or even a baby food jar, anything that has a lid to it.

Fill the jar halfway with small sharp objects such as pins, metal scrapings, broken glass, razor blades, etc. Be careful when you are filling the jar!

Once the jar is half full with these objects, fill the jar up with a holy water mixture of salt and water.

Put the top on the jar and be sure it's secured.

This jar should be buried in the ground at least twelve inches deep. As long as the bottle remains in the ground, you will be protected from harm that is sent your way.

If you bury the jar somewhere away from home, and you wont know if it will still be there in a year (City Witches dont always have backyards!), then be sure to repeat this process each year.