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Burn a white candle at all times!

This is so calming and it does more for you and your home than you'll ever realize. Burning this white candle in your home brings good luck and helps prevent negative energies from accumulating there.

To end your anger

Add one peppermint teabag to one cup of boiling water.
Let the tea steep for a few minutes and inhale the steam as the tea strengthens.
Sweeten with honey, and repeat the following over the tea:

"Cool my anger, herb of mint.
Honey, sweeten my intent.
My attitude, I ask you, change.
Send heat of temper out of range."

Drink the tea and feel your anger evaporate.

Opal Beauty Spell

Empower an opal by repeating the following:

"Inner splendor, shine right through,
Radiate my beauty, true."

Rub the stone over your body every day for six days, then carry the stone with you.

To Promote Self Confidence

Hematite will do the trick. Carry a piece of this in your pocket or purse, handle it any time you feel down on yourself.
This stone promotes courage and can be quite powerful if used correctly!

To Improve Psychic Abilities -

Try sipping a cup of hazelnut coffee before you begin anything.
As we all know, hazel is a wonderful wood for making wands. The nuts are eaten to gain wisdom. (And a little bit o coffee never hurts when you're up for prolonged periods of time.)

Removal of Negative Energies -

I am a big promoter of meditations and using visualization. This next item is to help you rid yourself of other peoples negative energies that might have rubbed off on you. Visualize a tiny hole in the small of your back. Move the negative energy down toward the hole and let it drain out into the Earth. Continue to do this until you feel it all drain out. Close the hole and embrace yourself. Visualize white light all through your body. Wonderful!

To Stop Diarrhea -

I know. This isn't the funnest thing to read about. But we all have had this problem one time or another. My method is learned from a wonderful friend and it is very simple. Get some C&H brown sugar. Take 3-4 teaspoons of this about three times a day for two days. Then, for the next 2-3 days, take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. That's it! Trust me! It really works!

Black Opal Charm

The black opal is widely known as the "Witches Stone" and is prized for its magic enhancing properties. To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar.

"Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that's required
To make my magic hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark."

To Help You Meditate -

Hold an amethyst and citrine while meditating. These stones help you become free from the physical boundaries and inhibitions that can hinder your trip to the astral plane.

To Return from The Astral Plane

Eat a spoonful of honey when finished on the other side.

To Attract Money

Aha! Got your attention!

Take honeysuckle and put in a ring formation around green candles.

Protection of Home

Hang periwinkle up on your door to help protect all those within your home.

Gaze at the periwinkle to help restore lost memory.

To See if Someone is Really a Witch

If you drop a walnut in the lap of a person, if they are unable to rise from the chair, that is a sure sign they are a witch! (Actually, I don't know if this is true, but it could be a lot of fun to see how much your true witch friends really know about myths!)