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More Spells

*~Spell to banish Negativity~*

An excellent spell is to simply to take a hot bath and delicately place an egg in the tub with you. Be careful not to break it, just let it gently float around in the tub with you and banish your negative energy, whether it be sorrow, pain, fear, anger, stress, worry, etc.. When you exit the tub allow the water to drain before removing the egg.

*~Spell to ward off the Boogeyman~*

To ward off evil spirits or dreams, place a bowl of fresh spring water on the bedstand. Slowly add a pinch of sea salt and sya "Evil spirits touch me not nor mine. Thy power I drain into this brine." You must use three pinches of salt in total and repeat the verse as you add each pinch of salt. In the morning empty the bowl down the toilet or sink. Repeat as often as necessary.

*~Apple Love Spell~*

Cut and apple in half. Offer half to your desired. If he or she accepts the apple and eats it, he or she will be yours.
Another is .. Simply twist the stem of an apple, on each rotation call out a letter of the alphabet. Begin with A. The letter you call as the stem breaks apart from the apple will be the initial of your true love.

*~Spell to Eliminate Poverty~*

Based on a new Orleans voodoo formula, this spell will insure that you always have the staples in life. Fill a bowl with equal parts sugar,salt,rice. Place an open safety pin in it's center. Keep the bowl out in the open to eliminate poverty.

*~Spell for Prophetic Dreams~*

Poppy is used to induce trances or sleep and to reveal information while in a dream state. Bagles with their round shape and hole in the center symbolize the moon or feminine intuition. Place a poppy seed bagel under your pillow at night. Take a bite first thing in the morning to remember your dream.