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Thought transference is what telepathy is all about. There are two sides to the process. Sending your thoughts to someone else, and receiving thoughts from someone else. There is no question that you can relearn how to do both, although one or the other will seem easier to you at first. Telepathy is as natural and fundamental a process as thinking. And if you've never exercised your mental muscles for addition and subtraction, you'd find them a lot harder to do than telepathy because working with numbers is something you have to learn, and telepathy is something you already know.

The thing about telepathy is that conscious concentration inhibits it. Especially at first. So you need to become passive and receptive about it. Even when you are actively engaged in doing it.

To send your thoughts:

Enter into complete meditation with your breathing deep and rhythmic and your inner screen clear. Then, visualize the person you want to contact on your inner screen. Think only of the person. Not the message. See his face clearly. Hear the sound of his voice. Smell whatever scent you associate with him. Imagine how the surface of his skin feels to the touch. And, if you are closely involved, taste the taste that reminds you most of him. Create a picture of the person using as many of your senses as you can. And hold that image without doing anything else for as long as you comfortably can.

If you are into testing and want to see results, just before you let your multisensory picture go, scream out with your mind as loudly as your mind can scream: Call Me! And let the image face away.

To receive thoughts:

Enter complete meditation and repeat the first part of the sending process, creating a multisensory image of the person you want to tap into. Use your inner ear, nose, tongue and fingers as well as your inner eye. Again, hold the picture as long as you can, without doing anything. Keep the rest of your mind perfectly open, clear, and receptive.

Just before you let the picture go, downshift all the openness, clarity and receptiveness of your mind, accelerating it and at the same time creating a powerful vacuum within yourself. Take whatever comes first as the message you wanted to receive. That's it.

If you don't understand it, write it down and look at it a few times during the day. Think of it as you slip into alpha before sleep arrives that night. Telepathy is not, at first, always precise. But it always does come through if you are open to it. Later on, you can do advanced thought transference work.

Team up with a partner and arrange to meditate at the same time, no matter how far away from each other you may be. Practice sending each other a word or a visual image like a square, star, crescent, cloud, tree or bird. Then go on to personal messages. After a while, you will find that you both can activate that particular channel of your minds and send and receive thoughts anytime you want to. Even when you are not in complete meditation.

This exploration will give you all the foundation you need to do it. Practice it at different times of the day and evening. And use multisensory images of many different people. Your psychic muscles will strengthen before you know it.