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Great Temple:


This journey is deeply moving and can be used to better understand the great purpose of which our spirits are well aware. By providing a small "snapshot" of the issues in our former lives, we can weave those issues into what we are learning presently. I encourage users of this journey to allow about twenty minutes for the experience of the previous life review. This meditation can be practices regularly when you have a need to "sort" out issues. - Janet Doucette The Journey.

Begin with mindful breathing. Sit straight with spine erect and your hands placed gently upon your thighs. As you breathe, allow the breath to spiral down through your body, nourishing your cells and organs. Relax and with the exhale, release the toxins and the tensions accumulated during the day into a white light that surrounds you. Sense your chakra energy centers opening one by one, spinning in a clockwise fashion...

You are standing on a beach at twilight. The sun's last golden rays are spilling across a gentle sea. Waves ripple up the shore and bathe your feel in cool salt water. Begin now to walk down the beach, feeling a sense of freedom and acceptance. Feel the love of Mother Earth well up through your legs and the warmth of Father Sky shine down upon your head.


As the sun sinks into the sea in a fiery moment of splendor, a green flash bursts forth across the darkening heavens. A sign of earth healing, it spreads out across the land. The pale blue sky darkens into indigo and then a velvety black expanse. There is a sparkle high in the night sky, as the stars show themselves. Feeling confident, you continue on.

A huge yellow orb rises from the depths of the sea and casts an eery pale light across the waters and upon the beach. The moment of the moonrise over the dark rippling ocean is a sacred moment. The reflected light of the dying sun upon the wakening face of the Moon casts a crystal awareness onto the world. Carried on the undulating surface of the sea, it is cast across your path. Walk now into that sacred light and stand within it.

This is a world between illusions, a world of pale reality in which you now walk. See before you now a mist and within that mist a great, white Temple by the Sea. White marble steps lead up to tall alabaster columns. Look carefully at this Temple now.


Walk purposely toward the Temple and climb the steps. As you walk upon the smooth marble platform, the great doors open. You are welcome here. Enter, now...

Beyond a fountain of water, in the center of the Temple, is an immense library. Go now into the library and look for your name among the leather bound books.

Open the book that bears your name and run your finger down the page. Look into this book in which is recorded all the lives that you have lived, and see a word or phrase of words that encompass one of those lives.


Remembering that word or words, leave the library now and go beyond the Fountain to the Hall of Memories. You are now going to view that past life which points the way to understanding your present life and path of purpose.


In the Hall of Memories you are led to an ornately crafted door. Open that door now and step out into that other lifetime.

Look at your feet, your body. What are you wearing? Are you male or female? Take a few moments to fully see your appearance.

Where are you? Note your surroundings and anyone who may be with you now.

You are now going to relive this life. Take as long as you wish to recover what you need to know from this life.


See the manner in which you leave this life, the manner in which you pass on to another dimension. A place of peace and rest, where you are fully accepted as your high spiritual self. See the way in which you have planned the lessons of your lives, the courage of your chosen path of existence as a revered student, beloved of the Goddess.


Know that you will enter this place when you leave the present life which you are now leading in the present time. Know that you are fully loved here and that your teacher is well pleased. Whatever appears to be a mistake in this life is also a path to learning. First you must learn patiece with yourself and others. When you are ready, through the careful Paths of Many Lives, you will learn to radiate the Love which have learned. For when you have learned to truly love yourself, then only, can you truly love another.

When you are ready to leave the Great Temple, see that you are again upon that misty, pale beach. Walk out of the moonlit beam of light and onto the deserted stretch of sand. When you are ready to return, flex your wrists and ankles gently...Welcome back."