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From: Helping yourself with White Witchcraft by A Manning


Essential to your progress in becoming an effective Witch is a knowledge of the reality of non-physical entities. There are two broad classes of entity (or spirit being) life both of which are important to the success of your work. We will call the entities that you build or create yourself, thought forms. The other type of entity already has a life of its own..these are the elementals, nature spirits, and the spirit beings who have lived a normal life in a physical human body but are now called dead. The most significant difference between the two types of beings is simply that you build thought forms, but you must attract or court the spirit beings. Since the occult purpose of much ritual work is to build a thought form that perfumes a specific task for you, we will begin this chapter with the study of thought forms.

Thought forms - What they are and how to build them

The real power of your ritual work will come as you learn how to build a fully living entity by moulding the energy generated by your creative imagination with your constructive will. The basic technique for building a living entity that becomes your thought form servant requires practice, but the efforts will prove well worth it to you. The traditional method involves the energy of your hands, your heart and your mind.

Hold your hands a comfortable distance in front of you with the palms facing each other. Let your fingers curl in a relaxed manner and bring your hands together until your finger tips are about 2 inches apart. Now WILL the vital energy to flow between your hands and FEEL an energy field build up between them. Even a slight sensation f heat or tingling indicates that the energy is flowing in response to your direction. As the energy builds in power, begin to program it by projecting your clearly formed thought into it from your mind while you add love energy from your heart. Picture your thought (the realization of your desire) clearly in the energy field between your hands, thus it is easy to love. COntinue to programme and love the energy field until you feel it take on a life its own. Then you can release it in love to gather the physical matter it needs to manifest.

A watcher thoughtform and how to build it

A watcher thought form is much more than a concept. It is a living entity, built out of your own thought form substance with an independent existence all its own as an auxiliary set of eyes and ears fro you. The unusual nature of the six foot experimental pyramid in our ESP LAB LOBBY entered into an experience of proof to a man stationed on a ship in the North Atlantic. He sent his watcher to have a look at our Lab in Los Angeles and wrote us this report. *My watcher made a trip to your Lab and gave me some interesting observations. The highlight of its comment was, "this big white pyramid shaped thing down there had the strangest energy currents in it, the weird thing almost sucked me into it!"*

There are practical uses of all sorts to a watcher. For instance, they are a wonderful at helping you with difficult shopping. Marla ) wanted a crystal ball as much for a conversation piece as for psychic work.......she gave her watcher the job of locating her crystal ball, specifying size and acceptable price. On her next day off she was running the usual errands when she found herself walking into a small shop that was strange to her. There in a box marked "Sale- all items in this box $6.00" she saw a lovely four inch crystal ball. It was a close out sale of an item that normally sells in the $40 price range......

But the easiest way to understand the value of a watcher is to build one for yourself. My watcher is about the size of a volleyball. It's soft and fuzzy and almost all eyes and ears. That is so it can be most efficient in gathering information as I may need it. The technique for building your watcher is part of the standard thought form building work..... ....The ritual begins by setting your protection, for instance with the basic protection ritual. Be sure that you are relaxed and serene and your attitude is POSITIVE and light-you would not want to create a monster. If your are agitated when you build it, your watcher will seek out only agitation and confusion to bring back to you.

The thought form is build by holding your hands out in front of you about 6 inches apart with the palms facing each other as if you where holding a volleyball. WILL the psychic energy to flow between your hands and build a living entity with you send love form you heart and power from your eyes to the area between your hands. As you feel the energy begin to flow, form your watcher with the watcher building chant:

Watcher Building Chant
Thought of purity and light
Fresh life I bring to you tonight
Ears to hear and eyes to see
My faithful watcher you will be
Watching for me far and near
What I should know, that you will hear
Gather all effectively
And bring it quickly back to me
Execute this faithfully
And as my words, so mote it be!

As to the number of times to repeat the chant, how long does it take you to SEE it take shape and form? The touch will be subtle of course, but you should be able to reach out and feel the reality of your new friend living as a thought form. ..The standard number of times to chant for this purpose is nine, but you may enjoy feeding your thought form watcher with the energy many more long as the chant is powerful and alive, and you feel energy flowing into your new being, its fine to work on it. Also, one day may not see the full strength given to your new thought being, so repeating the ritual for three, seven or nine consecutive nights is good. The reality must be so well build that you can call your watcher friend to you and touch it, knowing exactly where it is and feeling its enjoyment of the attention. I like to whistle to mine and have it perch on my right shoulder where I pet it and it whispers information into my right ear at the same time. You should regularly call your watcher to you to give it instructions-tell it what types of ideas and information you need, and regularly praise it for its good work.

How to maintain Contact and control over your watcher

Regular communication with your watcher is the only way to get the benefit of this thought form building effort.

Watcher Conference Chant
Watcher watcher come to me
ANd tell me of the things you see
What's in store for this fine day
Bring true guidance right away
All you know, now tell to me
And as my will, so mote it be!

Then feel your friendly thought form hop on your shoulder, and listen as it whispers words of wisdom in your hear. To some there will be an actual voice, but most of us get our report as an intuitive feeling or flow of thoughts. If you become uncomfortable at what you feel or hear, don't leave your altar until you have gone thru a cleansing ritual to get the negativity safely washed out of your aura.

How an accident was avoided with thought form

AN example of help from a watcher was reported by DH. She told us "At my morning ritual my watcher warned me of a danger in traffic. So I went thru the aura cleansing and protection ritual with great care. Later in the day I was driving a friend's Cadillac and a car came skidding across the road right at me. But it missed the Cadillac and hit somebody else. I gave my Watcher a couple of extra words of thanks when I got home. That protective thought form is PRICELESS"

Always remember, stay in contact with your watcher and feed it with love.