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Article III


Section 1. Only M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College members may hold a coordinating position on the Mesa Directiva.

Section 2. Coordinators must have at least one (1) semester of experience in M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College.

Section 3. All coordinators must have completed or currently be enrolled in a Chicano Studies course.

Section 4. Coordinators will only maintain one (1) coordinating position at a time per semester within M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College.

Section 5. Coordinators may serve the maximum of two (2) consecutive terms in the same position.

Section 6. The length of the term shall be one (1) semester.

Section 7. All coordinators will be elected by a majority vote (50% + 1) by the general body.  Nominations will be held two (2) weeks before the week of finals in the Fall and Spring semesters, with the elections taking place the week prior to finals.

Section 8. Coordinators will not hold any other coordinating positions in another Pasadena City College club or organization (Associated Students Government included).

Section 9. Summer representation of M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College will be conducted by the Mesa Directiva elected for the upcoming Fall semester.

Section 10. Coordinators will be held accountable for their committee (holding meetings, membership, fulfilling duties).

Section 11. Any coordinator who cannot attend or fulfill their representational duties at a M.E.Ch.A. meeting or function may choose a substitute to temporarily fulfill that position.


Section 13. Coordinators of M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College and their duties shall be:

1.  Internal:   Shall have the responsibility to help fulfill objectives at the campus level.  Shall serve as an active advocate of the positive goals and objectives as previously determined.  Shall work with other special interest groups/organizations, faculty, and staff, student government, and other groups at Pasadena City College.  Shall know all the duties of and provide guidance to the Mesa Directiva.  Shall chair and actively coordinate the Internal Committee.

2.  External:   Shall have the responsibility to help fulfill objectives beyond the campus level.  Shall provide a liaison with other Raza groups and/or organizations at the State/National level.  Shall represent M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College at official external M.E.Ch.A. meetings.  Shall chair and actively help coordinate the External Committee.  Shall set up selection committee for external functions/events.

3.  Treasurer:  Shall be responsible for all financial transactions of M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College.  Shall deliver weekly reports to the Mesa Directiva on financial transactions of M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College to the Mesa Directiva.  Shall represent M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College at Pasadena City College I.C.C. meetings.

4.  Secretary:  Shall take minutes of General Assembly, Mesa Directiva, or any other official M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College meeting.  Shall keep a typed record of the minutes.  Shall hold and provide all necessary information of each Pasadena City College Mechista.  All information kept and/or recorded must be surrendered to the M.E.Ch.A. file at the end of the term.

5.  Education/Retention: Shall implement programs and develop strategies that promote, encourage, and give information on higher education to Mechistas and Raza students.  Shall promote and provide information, deadlines, etc. on financial aid, scholarships, and registration procedures.  Shall develop and maintain events such as study halls.  Shall chair and actively chair Education/Retention Committee.  Shall set up Scholarship Committee (See Appendix D).

6.  History/Culture: Shall implement programs and activities that educate Mechistas and Pasadena City College students about nuestra Raza.  Shall organize and maintain M.E.Ch.A. archives.  Shall chair and actively coordinate the History/Culture Committee.

7.  Community Relations: Shall be responsible for networking and developing relationships with grassroots, community, and business corporations that will be beneficial to M.E.Ch.A. de Pasadena City College.  Shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a M.E.Ch.A. chapter at local schools.  Shall chair and actively coordinate the Community Relations Committee.

8.  Fund-raising/Social: Shall implement programs and develop strategies to raise funds.  Shall organize necessary fund-raising events.  Shall work to develop social events.  Shall chair and actively coordinate the Fund-raising/Social Committee.

9.  Chicana Issues:  Shall implement programs and develop strategies to raise awareness and educate nuestra Raza on issues concerning La Mujer.  Shall chair and actively coordinate the Chicana Issues Committee.

10.  Central & South American Issues (C.A.S.A.):  Shall implement programs and develop strategies to raise awareness and educate nuestra Raza on issues concerning Central and South American students and peoples.  Shall work to show relativity between the Central and South  American communities to Chicano/Mexicano communities.  Shall chair and actively coordinate Central American & South American (C.A.S.A.) Committee.