In Her Own Words

Why are homeless charities so important to you? 'Homelessness is just something that I feel really strongly about. We're supposed to be a civilized country and there are still people without a home. I think everybody should have a roof over their head. Some people are rattling around in great big massive mansions and others are living in doorways. I don't think the government does enough. It just shouldn't be this way. There are so many disused and derelict buildings and so much money is wasted when quality of life is so important'

From her tourbook: 'Writing and touring Northern Star has been the best time of my life. I am so fulfilled being able to express my own thoughts, fears and feelings. Your support and love have helped me incredibly. I have had a hard time over the past year. Personal stuff and press intrusion have been difficult to deal with, but the harsher the criticism the more you have shown your support, NICE ONE! So this is for you -my gift. Enjoy the show, we certainly will. All my love Melanie x'

'I'm the sort of person who goes from one extreme to the other.'

'I think everything happens at a certain time for certain a reason and that's just the way it's. Life's just like one long play. I've been to psychics in the past but I don't bother anymore. I just look forward to the future. It's very exciting.'

'Getting up on stage makes the rest of your life seem a bit boring. As the doors open and you see the crowd and all the cameras start flashing, you can't help smiling. It's like a big roller coaster ride - then it goes whoosh and there's no turning back.'

'I'm a really honest person which is one of my first downfalls.'

'I think everybody is searching for happiness, that is our eternal struggle.'

'No one could ever stop me from the path I want to take. I'm very true to myself and I'm on a bit of a mission, for myself and womankind.'

'Over the last few years, we have had a few traumatic things happen to the Spice Girls and to us personally and I think everything happens for a reason. During the tour, I've learnt that although everybody is different, they all have the same needs and the same insecurities. Nobody wants to hurt anyone or upset them but, you know, sometimes things just happen. There are always two sides to every argument and who is to say who is wrong? If you believe in your argument, then you're right in your eyes.'

'I like to work hard. There's so much that needs to be done and life's short.'

'As a child, I used to try my best at everything because I felt like a bit of spare part and wanted to be extra special to make my mum and dad love me and to deserve their love and attention. Even now, I have a strong sense of not ever wanting to let anybody down.'

'You can be singing a little verse in front of tens of thousands of people, but you can still feel alone. I knew my granddad loved 'Viva Forever' and sometimes, when we sang it on stage, I felt he was there and I was singing it just for him.'

'I've got a lot to give and I never give up, so I am going to wait and see.'

'I must be one of the luckiest girls in the whole world. All my dreams are coming true.'

"I like to think that the Spice Girls will go on forever. I think we will do lots of things individually which are exciting musically and also some tv and film work, but the five of us will always be great mates.'

'Look at what the Spice Girls have achieved. Five of us we had nothing. We had no money, we had no jobs, we came from no where, and we had no connections. We made it to be one of the biggest bands in the world. If that is not a good role model, I don’t know what is.'

'Where I am now is proof if you want something badly enough, you can get it.'

'No matter how tired I feel, I know I’ll never stop performing.'

'You can guarantee I’ll be a sad old bag up on the stage still trying to sing when I’m sixty!'

'I wanna be famous for me. I wanna be Melanie Chisholm. I don’t wanna be Sporty.'

'Believe in yourself. Be strong with what you believe in and going for it.'

'Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder.'

'I never have any expectations and just take it all as it comes.'

'You can be good but you can always be better.'

'I play football even though a lot of people turn their noses up at girls' football. We are what we are. We're not gonna change. We just take people by their vibe because that's all that matters.'

'We're not dictating a way to be. We're just saying to people, be yourself.'

'I haven't got a problem with anybody in the world because life's too short, you know. I don't wanna disrespect people because I get enough flack myself. I'm very sensitive and it hurts, and I know it hurts. Everybody's just a human being at the end of the day, and you know, I'm just trying my best and working my hardest.'

'It's a song from my album. It's about something that you're looking for in life. Something that you can hold on to. Something that's gonna guide you through. I think the northern star is a good symbol and I found it a nice name for my album. I'm from Liverpool, so I'm northern.'

'I'm just a normal girl from England, and I've achieved my wildest dreams.'

'Always go out for what you want but never ever hurt anyone in the process.'

'I always write about personal experiences, but sometimes, I create characters and live out my fantasies through my songs.'

'Everybody's entitled to an opinion, so I don't mind as long as they give me a fair chance.'

'The thing is other people's opinions have got nothing to do with you because you are the only one that really knows yourself.'

'People can think what they want.'

'I always knew it was going to be okay. I knew I was going to be famous. I'm gonna make it to heaven. I'm gonna light up the sky. Fame. I see it coming together. People will see me and cry.'

'I'd just rather keep my head down.'

'This is me, this is how I look, and if I'm in the paper looking rough, so what.'

'Eyes are the window of the soul. I think you can show whatever you're feeling through your eyes.'

'I never compromise my personality.'

'You can improve yourself but you're never gonna change yourself.'

'No one wants to be classed as a bimbo anymore. You can wear your wonder bra, you can wear your mascara, but you've got a bit of intelligence. Don't rely on your sexuality, but don't be afraid of it.'

'I am the plain one of the group but I don't mind. Deep down I am confident about who I am.'

'I'm very determined. I think I can be a bit annoying but I'm glad I'm like that. I don't think I'm a great singer but I love it and think maybe people enjoy my singing because I enjoy it so much.'

'To be a feminist in the nineties, means having something to say for yourself.'

'You'll never walk alone.'

'Try and beat the boys at their own game...don't give in. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.'

'There is a new attitude, girls are taking control. If you want to wear a short skirt, then go on and wear it. You should wear what you want.'

'Accept yourself, learn to love yourself, and be a strong female. Being a feminist in the nineties, means having something to say. Where I am now is absolute proof that if you really want something badly enough, you can achieve it.'

'We realize that we have a responsibility. All our messages are positive, so I hope we are good role models.'

'Stick to your guns and stand up for what you believe in. Anything is possible if you can dream it.'

'Do exactly what you want to do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Accept yourself.'

'We treat everyone the same, whether you're the prince or you're the postman because ya know, everyone eats and goes to the toilet, don't they?'

'It's not an image, it's just the way we are. ya know, naturally.'

'A lot of people don't realize that we write our own music and a lot of people don't believe that we write our own material. But we do write our own material and people can think whatever they want because we don't care. The basic thing is we do, we know we do, so think what you want.'

'Nothing goes on forever, come on. I mean the way I'm feeling right now, I would love for it to go on forever. But you gotta be realistic, haven't ya? D'ya know what I mean? I mean it could all end tomorrow. but let me tell you something, If it did, we'd all sit down and we'd pat each other on the back and say nice one girls. Look what we've done. Look at what we've achieved. But let's carry on and go our separate ways or carry on or whatever.'