Daily Life

Mrs. Morgan surveyed the class, "I want each one of you to write a summary of what you did this summer. Two page minimum." She paused thoughtfully and added "Then give it to one of your peers to critique."

The whole class let out a sigh and mumblings of unfairness filled the room and soon was replaced by the sound of pens and pencils scratching on paper. Sarah slouched in her seat, unsure of what to write. Her summer had been great, but not the sorta great that was summary worthy. At least not for a school assignment.

Gaby leaned over to Lauren, who was writing furiously "I hate this lady, it's the first fucking day and already we have to write papers." Lauren looked up and shrugged, which Gaby took as a sign that she didn't care. It wasn't that Lauren didn't agree, but she was the type that never rocked the boat and just did what she was told. A few minutes later Lauren reread what she had written and tapped Ashley, who was sitting in front of her, on the shoulder. "Would you mind editing this?"

Ashley turned around and looked a little stunned that a year eleven was asking her to read her work. "Uhh, sure" she took the papers from Lauren's desk. After skimming over the girl's writing (which was surprisingly good although the content was quite dull) she smiled and handed it back to her. "It's good, you're clever with words." then an interesting thought came to her attention. Ashley turned back around and went on, "Lauren, I'm having a party tonight, if you want to come..even bring someone if you want. My rents are out of town so the more the merrier. I want it to be the fiesta of the year." she grinned.

Lauren sat there stunned for a moment before she managed to accept the invitation. An invite to a party at a year twelve's house? That was the last thing she expected to hear from Ashley's mouth, of all people. After the older girl had turned back around and started talking to another girl next to her, who Lauren didn't recognise, she let a contented smile fill her face. Gaby noticed her unusually happy expression but mentioned nothing of it and went back to her conversation with Carl. Her paper didn't look too promising.

Nic leaned against the counter and stifled a yawn. A boy of about 16 came up and handed her a cd. "Is this it?" she asked him, trying her hardest to sound cheerful. The boy nodded and pushed some money across the counter. Nic took the cash and put it in the register, counting out his change. "Here ya go.." she dropped it into his outstretched hand and handed him his cd.

Once he was gone and the store was empty again. Nic looked at the clock. 1:23....Great, only another hour and a half. Justin emerged from the back room "I don't pay you to just stand there and ride the clock." Nic jumped "Sorry," she said forcing an apologetic tone. Justin was the biggest wanker, and happened to be her boss. Just a wonderful combination.

He continued "There's a box back there of used cd's that came in last week. They've been checked and priced, so why don't you start setting them out?"

After taking a shower Kayt grabbed her phone and punched in Chris's number. It rang three times before Louise picked up "ello?" "Is Chris home?" Kayt asked, praying he was. Louise paused a second before answering "Yeah, he's here. Hang on and I'll get him."

Chris picked up in his room "Louise hang it up!!" there was a faint click as Lousie replaced the phone into its cradle. "Yo.."

"Hey there sexy man" Kayt started "whatcha doin?" Chris managed to suppress the laughter rising in his throat. His girlfriend could be so cheesy sometimes. "Nothing much really, I was about to work on my car for awhile." Kayt sighed at that, he was always working on his car. The thing was next to perfect, and he spent half of his waking life on it. She just didn't understand. "Well do you want to do something tonite? Maybe hire a movie?"

Chris answered automatically, even though he had barely heard a word she said. "Sure, what time?" Kayt thought for a second, she was going to see Nic around 3, so she had to figure out how long she wanted to hang out with Nic. "How about round 7, I can pick up a movie while I'm out with Nic. Then we can have the night to ourselves at my house." She grinned, thinking of what just the right movie could lead to. "Sounds great love. I'm sorry to cut ya loose like this but" his mind raced with reasons to hang up with her "Louise is whinging that she wants to make a call. I'll ring ya back in a while. Love you." he hung the phone up before Kayt could respond. Kayt hung up the phone and smiled happily. Only five more hours until she would see Chris!! She began to consider what to wear.

At three o'clock Nic met Kayt outside Underworld. Kayt was grinning from ear to ear, "Chris and I are getting together tonight!! I just love him so much!!" she exclaimed. Nic nearly gagged, was Chris the only thing Kayt knew how to converse about? It was all a bit much for her to handle more than once a day. They started walking towards her car.

"That's cool, Dan and me are gonna do the quality time thing tomorrow.. I'm not sure what's going on tonight yet though." Nic responded, knowing full well what she was doing for the night. Ashley was having a party and she was sure to attend. Kayt was not. It wasn't that Ashley didn't like Kayt, but she got too weird at parties and someone always ended up being her babysitter. Also, Chris had requested her to not be there. Nic felt a little bad about it, but pushed it aside in order to wonder how Chris was going to get out of his little rendezvous.

Driving down the street Nic stopped at a red light. "So what do ya feel like doing?" "Oh I dunno...I told Chris I'd pick up a movie while we were out, so we have to do that. How about the beach?" Kayt suddenly let out a squeal and turned the volume up all the way on the radio. Nic immediately turned it back down to a decent level. She didn't really feel like hearing 'Anthem for the Year 2000' at full blast at the moment. Not with Kayt in the car. That was a scene doomed to be ugly. Nic pulled the car into her driveway and turned the engine off. "I gotta run in and put on a bathing suit. Are you coming in or waiting out here?"

Kayt thought a moment, "I'll join you." she grinned and got out of the car. After unlocking the door Nic tossed her keys on to the floor and ran upstairs. "Be down in a sec!" Kayt flopped onto the couch and began to think about what movie she wanted to hire. Something sexy, yet scary. She wasn't in the mood for her usual lovestory/comedy, which would probably please Chris. Meanwhile, upstairs Nic searched through the pile of clothes on her floor for her bathing suit. Sighing with frustration after only finding the top half she kicked the pile across the room "Fuck!!" A second later she remembered throwing the bottom in her underwear drawer a couple days ago. Nic yanked the drawer open "Right on.." After changing into her bikini Nic threw on some old shorts and a tank top and grabbed her beach towel from the hall closet on her way back downstairs.

"Let's be jettin!" Nic said jumping down the last couple stairs. Kayt looked lost in her own little world. "Kayt!"

Kayt looked up "Oh right, yea let's go." She was still thinking about Chris. How could she not? He was so wonderful. Once back in Nic's car she was lost in thought over him again.


Email: merewether2291@yahoo.com