Tips and Tricks
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These are the tips and tricks that I know. There
are no codes in the American version of Pokemon, unless
you use a gameshark for gameboy.
MASTERBALL TRICK: When you use this trick,it works like
a regular MASTERBALL!!! Here it is. When battling a
Pokemon you want, but cant catch it with an ULTRA BALL,
get out a regular POKE BALL. POKE BALL works best for
this trick. Throw out the POKEBALL, then hold up+b
once released!!! It should work just like a MASTER
BALL!!!!! This might take some practice though, and
don't try this trick on MEWTWO, or you'll be toast!!!!
STRONGER ATTACTS: When fighting with any POKEMON, when
in a battle, use any move, but when you use it, hold
down the A button until the amount of life of the
POKEMON you're fighting goes down. It should be
THE GAME UNLIMITED TIMES: It's simple. before you fight
a POKEMON that you can fight only once in the game,
save your game!!! Now you wont be so worried if you'll
catch it or not!!!
TO CATCH MISSINGO: WARNING!!!!! Before doing this, I
warn you!! People say that MISSINGO is just a virus
and might screw up your graphics, remove all your
POKEMON and might even screw up your whole game all
together!! But if you want to, then here's how you do
it. First you should trade with anyone on the game
(prefferably with the people on the CINNEBAR ISLAND
POKEMON REASURCH CENTER). Then surf up and down the
coast of the SEAFOAM ISLANDS. Do this until you run
into the first POKEMON. You're screen will be black
for 5-10 seconds, but when it clears, there will be
Missingo!!! He looks like a scrambled up thing.
He is at level 80, but his defense really sucks. I
suggest using a low level POKEMON to catch him. You
might have to put him to sleep to capture him though.
And if you've captured him, and he is messing up you're
graphics, then I suggest that you store him in a box,
then release him. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention when
surfing up and down on the SEAFOAM ISLANDS to find
MISSINGO, surf up and down the ISLANDS so it looks like
you're on half land and half water.
HOW TO GET 99 OF AN ITEM: Return back to Viridian City and talk to the man who taught you how to catch a Weedle (he is near the Gym where you
face Giovanni). Reply "No" to his question, then watch him catch a Weedle. Then, place the item you want 99 as number six
from the top (I recommend the Master Ball if you still have it). Now, FLY back to Cinnabar Island and start SURFING along
the east coast of Cinnabar like with Missingno.This time, however, you will face a different messed up Pokemon or Missingo,
with a name comprized of symbols. Defeat him or run away but do NOT capture it. When it is defeated, you will have over
100 of the sixth item on your list! If you want to repeat this trick, you'll need to talk to the man again. This trick also works
when you capture Missingno. If you continue to surf along the coast, you will face Pokemon that are Level 175 can give you
3000 Exp. Points! You can also duplicate expensive items and sell them back to earn lots of money!
TO GET MEWTWO: To get MEWTWO, first you should beat the
game. Then you fly to CERULEAN CITY. Then you go to the
top of the city, and go across the bridge with the five
trainers on it. At the top, you will see a stream of
water. Now, you have to have surf to do this. Swim down
the stream, until you reach a cave. There used to be a
guy there blocking it. Remmber? Then you go inside. You
will find a lot of POKEMON that you could'nt run into
before regularly. like MAROWAK, DODRIO, RIACHU, CHANSEY
, RHYDON and ELECTRODE. After going through the maze of
cave, use surf when you reach water and go down the
stream. At the end of the stream you should see MEWTWO!
!!!! Now this is what you've been waiting for!!!
MEWTWO is a really, really strong POKEMON, should you
should have a strong pokemon to fight him. I suggest
using a MASTER BALL to catch him. If you don't, then
you have to get him down to less than 1/4th of power.
Then you have to put him to sleep, then catch him. If
you dont think it's true, well I did!!! And one more
thing. You might want to save the game before fighting
him!! Just like I told you to do before you fight a
POKEMON that you can fight only once in the game!!!
the Slot Machine place in CELADION CITY, walk all
around the building and press the A button!!! You
find many coins this way!!!
or just go there. Take a right out of the town. Use cut
to hack down a bush. Then go through some people, and
you will see tall grass. Go up and you will see water.
use SURF and surf down to another part of the land.
There is the POWER PLANT. Go inside and walk around.
Sooner or later, you will find ZAPDOS. ARTICUNO: Go to
the SEAFOAM ISLANDS. Go inside the cave, and sooner or
later you will find two boulders and a hole. Use
STRENGTH and push the two boulders down the hole. That
should change the current enough to surf. Then go down
the hole yourself, and surf up and there will be
ARTICUNO. MOLTRES: After getting all 8 badges, go to
the POKEMON LEAG HEADQUARTERS. Go through all the
people who ask to see your badges. After that is
VICTORY ROAD. Walk around all around in VICTORY ROAD,
fight some people, and sooner or later you will run
into MOLTRES. NOTE!!!! Save the game before battling
the LEGENDARY BIRDS!!!!!!!!!
ZONE POKEMON outside the SAFARI ZONE, go to the SAFARI
GAME. Pay to get in, and go battle in a place where it
has certain POKEMON, different from any other part of
the SAFARI GAME. Run around in the grassy area of this
SAFARI GAME until time runs out. Then you leave and go
to the SEAFOAM ISLANDS and coast up and down the
ISLANDS so that it looks like you're on half land and
half water. You'll start to run into SAFARI ZONE
POKEMON from the tall grass that you were looking for
them in. Forget the stupid SAFARI BALLS, throwing
rocks and bait!!!! It's time to beat them up and throw
ULTRA BALLS at them.
A good way to exp. points for you're POKEMON is to
battle the ELITE FOUR. You put the POKEMON that you
want to get EXP. points to at the top of you're list.
When the enemy POKEMON approaches, switch you're
POKEMON. That way, you're POKEMON can get at least
1000 EXP. points for each enemy POKEMON that is sent
You need a friend for this. Trade the pokemon to be cloned and have you friend get a pokemon they dont
care about. Trade them, and make sure the person getting the bad pokemon can see the other's screen.
When the reciever of the good pokemon's screen says "waiting", get ready to shut the other one off.
When waiting disapears, turn off the Game Boy that's getting the bad pokemon. When the other one says
trade completed, turn that one off too. When you turn the games back on, you should both have the
pokemon. Warning! This could delete a saved game!
Go to Celadon City and make your way to the motel. go to the far right wall and make ash look north and
he be in the middle square. Press A and What's this? OHMYGOSH!!!! a Ghost computer!!
That's right, a Ghost PC Go to Celadon City, then go south until you are by the Alley where the Game
Corner is. Walk EAST until you are standing next to a bush. CUT the bush down and go SOUTH to the
first building to the WEST.... this is the Motel. Enter the Motel and walk NORTH until you hit the
shelf, then walk EAST until you hit the wall, YOUR STANDING ON THE PHANTOM PC!! Now walk
DOWN 2 spaces, the walk UP 1 space. Now press A and select something to do!