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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am 29 years old, and from South Carolina. Born under the Piesces sign. Although I don't study it much, I love Astrology. I have done my chart and it turned out pretty cool. I do read my horoscope every day. I don't base my days events on it, but it is interesting to read, even if you don't take it seriously.

I am divorced, and raise a very sweet, handsome, 9 year old son. His dad doesn't come around often, and doesn't know much about his son's life. But we have survived without him! My son is a wonderful artist, and I hope one day that he'll have a job that let's him use his talent's. I am very proud of him!!!

Below I have listed some of my likes and dislikes. Also some things that I like to collect. Click on the camera button to see my photo album. And if you would like to add your pic. to the album, just send it to me. Thank you for taking the time to learn something about me.


If you've been here before you might have noticed that I have added one to my age. My birthday was March 8, so now I have one more to go till I hit 30. And I can honestly say that I'm not thrilled about it either. So I decided that from now on, I'm going to make every b~day count by doing something wild. This year I got my eyebrow pierced. Of course my mom thinks I've gone crazy, but my son thinks it's pretty cool.LOL
I'm also excited about 2 concerts that I'll be going to. Korn/Rob Zombie March 30, and Aerosmith April 17. Can't wait!!!!! I have wanted to see Aerosmith for a loooong time. I had been given a free ticket once, and was on my way, when out from no where a truck crashed into us from behind :-( So instead of a concert, I got to visit the emergency room!! And two years of litigation. So keep your fingers AND toes crossed that I make it this time.

Well I finally got to see Aerosmith and they rocked. The concert was a sell-out, of course, and everyone was on their feet during the whole thing. My money was well spent that night.
As far as Korn/Rob Zombie, I didn't get to go. On March 24th I received a phone call from a wonderful lady telling me that she thought she was my birth mother! Turns out that she was :-). So instead of going to the concert I waited for the week~end and met my birth~mother for the first time.
If your interested you can read my story here. I'm still working on it so excuse the mess. lol!
Well after 4 month's of the eyebrow ring, I decided to take it out. I am a STRONG believer about personal choice, but after 2 drug test in a month's time at my job, I gave into judgmental views on other ppl's. opinions on appearance. Wimpy, I know, but I have a son to raise and need my job. But believe me if he wasn't in the picture I would gladly have told my boss to shove it and to kiss my a**. But anyway, my boss is a different story, I could write a whole page on what a jerk he is but why waste space!
August 8, We're going to see Black Sabbath and Godsmack. Can't wait to see Ozzy. I'll be sure to write back on how that concert is.

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for Anderson, South Carolina Forecast

My Likes...

My Dislikes...

Things I collect...