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CANCER...Is Everyone's


Welcome to the Medicine On Line Cancer Forum and Album!


We present to you some more of our wonderful forum family members.

We are all a family of survivors....both those of us fighting cancer and those who are caregivers to us.  Together we have all passed through that dark tunnel and have been reborn into our own temporal mortality.  That rebirth has blessed us with new vision of living, an emotional sensitivity that drives us to truly care and love our family.

We awake with a sense of gratitude for the gift of another day.  We remember with sadness those who were in this family and have passed to the Father.  Our sadness is comforted by a realization of their significance and a deep humility to be called their brother or sister.  Each have blessed us with their courage, love, laughter...their presence.  They are each etched in ouu spirit, soul, and memory and continue to live on through us.

May God continue to bless us all and grant peace to this fragile, beautiful world.















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