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< Ian shared an incredible journey with us since December 26th

Ian shared an incredible journey with us since December 26th

he did that with……..


A heart - that was generous and kind

A laughter - as irreverent as it could be -

stopping just short of offending

A courage - that could only be exhibited by a very brave heart

and with

A newfound wisdom - that I found soulful and mysterious

If we could measure this day not only by our loss but

by the gifts that he leaves behind……..

then we might gain a sense of possibility and hope.

Perhaps we can replenish what feels so lost and fragile ---

by honoring his courage - and being BRAVE when we need to,

by remembering his generous spirit - and fiercely protecting our
connection to each other AND

to H OLD FAST - when life feels most broken…….

My memory of his strength -his courage and his love of everyone will always with me.  Donna                                                               




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