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Presented to you by the Medicine On Line Cancer Forum (MOL)


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We are not primarily put on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through. author u.k.




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I cannot ease your aching heart nor take your pain away.  But let me stand beside you and with your hand in mine, walk with you today!






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Time cannot steal the treasures that we carry in our hearts.  Nor ever dim the shining thoughts our cherished past imparts. And memories of the ones we loved, still cast their gentle glow.  To grace our days and light our paths wherever we may go.

Author U.K.



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Silent Intruder


Yesterday you stood dormant

on the outer fringes of my thoughts...

A presence without form.

With quiet stealth you stepped outside

the murky shadows of my mind...


And emerged a wall of black.

You are Cancer, and in your journey

to the forefront of my world,


You have overtaken me.

An unwelcome have recklessly invaded

the narrow confines of my space...


You have crippled me.

But while the battle lines were being stretched

across the landscape of my life...


I found my strength;

For I am free

and in my freedom

Can I choose the manner

of your existence.

You cannot conquer me for I embrace you;

and with my heart do I accept

your gift of clarity;

and with my mind do I reject

your threat of doom.

Bridget Rambeau

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A cancer patient is always a diamond!




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   TO FRIENDS 1. (pictures}





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