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"Hello, my name is Miz Butabout and I am your tour guide! Today we will walk the streets of Charleston, S.C.with Carol and our Moler Joicy. We will see Gullah Baskets, the beautiful homes here and from every street you can see a Church Steeple; except for one street. That dare was where the ladies with the red shoes lived many years ago. Too bad I was too old even in those days to have some fun! Y'll come on now, get movin' follow me."

Red House-----------Yellow Pink-------------Beige House.

Joicy & Carol-----------with Buggy------------with Gullah Baskets.

Grunt, grunt. Walk, walk, walk, are they kidding me?

Oh, here I is in Ohio, looky that eatin' place, do I see Molers in there? Bet they won't give me notin' to eat! Yoo Hoo! Why I see our feller Les, boy did he send me some good jokes, you know the kind I mean, tee hee. Hey Maryann, I can tell your a teach, look how straight you sittin' up, who's that next to you? I wish my eyes were better, oh, is it Carla? Not the Carla who did the hug a tree skit in the middle of the night and fell in the marsh, is it? That you dearie? Carla, poke that blondie next to you, see if her name is Nanc, if it is tell her I said I want her big boy, hmmm, hmmm! Well come on honey, you think you so big and bad,your name Don?

Thank God they fed me. Guess they didn't think such a skinny old woman could eat that much food!

On the road again, well Im walkin', I'm talkin', where I supposed to be goin' again? Oh! I know, New York. Say feller you look like our Johnny, you know the one that keeps the pitty pot? He's a honey! Who you got with you? Ah, our Martha and Maryann. Maryann, you sure get about now girlfriend. Lookin' good friends.

My feet hurt so much, best I head back to S.C., have to get ready for Mary and her wonderful family. See y'll in Part 2 of our Molers Butabout Tour.

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