Name: ________________________________


Engineering an Empire – Rome


1. The wooden piles were driven in diagonally to add extra _____________ to the bridge.


2. Just _______ days after ordering its construction, Caesar marched across his bridge.


3. The city of Ancient RomeÕs first major engineering achievement was the Cloaca Maxima an extensive ________________ system.


4. Draining the marshes using the Cloaca Maxima allowed the Roman culture to ________________________ .


5. The Via Appia was RomeÕs first national _____________________ .


6. Under Augustus new ________________ were popping up everywhere.


7. RomeÕs engineers had a secret weapon, waterproof ­­­­­__________________________ .


8. The most life altering achievement of RomeÕs engineers was running ______________ .


9. Claudius had the greatest impact on RomeÕs water supply. To save building materials and maintain strength of the stone walls of the aqueducts, Romans perfected an ancient engineering concept called the _________________ .


10. In 64 AD, a huge fire devastates Rome. Nero, the emperor himself, was the number one suspect. It is believed he set the blaze to clear an area to build a 200 acre ___________________ called the Domus Aurea (the Golden House).


11. Vespasian drained NeroÕs massive lake to build the Flavian Amphitheatre, that we know as the ______________________ .


12. ___________________ battles took place inside the colosseum by flooding it with water diverted from the aqueduct.


13. The hypogeum was a two story substructure with a system of ________________ and trap doors that enabled tigers and armed gladiators to pop up through the floor of the Colosseum.


14. Trajan first appealed to the citizens of the capital by launching a massive building campaign to repair and improve _________________________ .


15. TrajanÕs next engineering project would be to build a new _________________ .


16. HadrianÕs major engineering project would be to build a 73 mile long ____________ .