Nuclear Energy Assignment                                                            NAME: _______________________



How much of the world’s energy did nuclear power stations provide in 2012?




How many operational nuclear reactors are there in the world?




Other than electricity generation, what is the other principal use of nuclear reactors?




In the ongoing debate about nuclear power, who are the opponents?




In terms of lives lost per unit of energy generated, how does nuclear power compare to the other major sources of energy generation?




Is nuclear power a high or low carbon power generation method?




Has the use of nuclear power been increasing or decreasing since 2007?




What percentage of France’s electricity comes from nuclear reactors?




When was electricity generated for the first time by a nuclear reactor?




Some local opposition to nuclear power emerged in the early 1960s. What concerns did members of the scientific community begin to express in the late 1960s?




How does the heat of a nuclear reactor get converted to electricity?




What is yellowcake?




Is uranium rare?




Breeder reactors use Uranium-238. How long  is it estimated that the earth’s supply of uranium-238 will last?




What do the nuclear waste management and disposal options that Governments around the world have to consider usually involve?




Which results in more radioactivity being released into the environment, nuclear power or coal power?




According to Benjamin Sovacool, how many accidents have there been at nuclear power plants?




What is meant by the term nuclear proliferation?





How much does decommissioning a nuclear facility cost in US dollars?