Test Five Review                   Psychology 11                        Name: _________________


There are many sources of conflict in life. One way of classifying conflicts is on the basis of their competing tendencies. In the questions that follow classify the described conflict.


This type of conflict involves 1 alternative that is both appealing and unappealing, so we want to approach it and avoid it. This would be something that we want, but are afraid of. An example of this would be asking someone out, which we want to do. But as we get closer to the person, we get more afraid of asking the person, because we are afraid of rejection. So, we end up not asking. Example: Make an investment with the possibility of a high rate of return but risk losing the money invested.



This type of conflict involves 2 alternatives that are both appealing, so we want to approach them both. However, we cannot have both of the alternatives, because we cannot do two things at once. The conflict is in deciding which of the alternatives is more appealing. Example: Stay in town and go to the basketball game or go on a ski trip.



This type of conflict involves 2 alternatives each of which has appealing and unappealing features. Example: Going back to school has the positive features of possibility of higher earnings and more satisfying work, but the negative features of cost of education and loss of income while in school. Staying at the present job has the good feature of security and continued earnings, but the negative features of limited opportunity and boredom.



This type of conflict involves 2 alternatives that are both unappealing, so we want to avoid them both. This is the often discussed "rock & a hard place" situation. People often try to avoid both by trying to escape from the situation. Generally, however, escaping does not work, and we have to choose one of them.

Example: Continue to endure back pain or have surgery



According to the cognitive appraisal model of stress, primary appraisal involves what?



And then people engage in a secondary appraisal which involves



A stressor is an event, person or object that causes a person to feel stress. Name the three types of stressors.





The stress response evolved for what type of stress? Short-term or Long-term?



Is the stress response adaptive or damaging?



Stress causes a need to increase the consumption of energy and sharpen thought so that fight or flight can occur efficiently. The following are what the body needs and a consequence.  Decide wether each consequence is short term or long term:


Immunity -- If you're chronically stressed, you should be getting more infectious diseases or getting them worse


Sharpen cognition -- Evidence from people with PTSD and depression -- up to 20-25% of hippocampal area loss


Deliver energy as fast as possible -- Increase heart rate


Direct increase in energy consumption -- Sugar in blood stream to energize muscles


Direct increase in energy consumption -- You never store energy --> muscle mass goes down --> fatigue, adult onset diabetes (#5 killer in this country)


Growth -- Stop secreting growth hormone because there is no need to grow when you have immediate danger to deal with


Deliver energy as fast as possible --  Hypertension


Turn off Digestion to conserve energy -- More bacterial load in stomach





Put a monkey in a new cage and its blood pressure will go up under what conditions?



Rats get ulcers when they receive a lot of shocks. However, they get few ulcers under which conditions?



What does a comparison of the monkeys response to the above conditions tell us?