Adapting to Climate Change                                                Name:

An Introduction for Canadian Municipalities


1. When are impacts of changing climate likely to become evident in Canada?



2. What are the anticipated impacts of climate change?








3. Where is the greatest warming expected to occur?



4. Why are resource-based and Aboriginal communities particularly vulnerable?




5. Who can take adaptive action?





6. What are some possible adaptation actions?




7. What is The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s best estimate for global average surface air warming over the current century?



8. Adaptation and mitigation are necessary complements in addressing climate change. Distinguish between these two terms as they pertain to climate change, and explain why each is necessary.










Consider the climate change impacts on page 3.


9. What would be a possible effect of permafrost thawing on Northern infrastructure?





10. In addition to municipal water supplies, what else is affected by water shortages?





11. How might a flood impact economic activities, infrastructure and health?






12. What type of infrastructures might be damaged by storm surges?






13. What action was taken to address the issue of uncertain ice and travel conditions in Clyde River?





14. In Kamloops, ongoing active forest management is required for the current plans and actions to continue to be effective. What two methods does this involve?



15. What would be the consequence of not continuing active forest management?


16. Many Metro Vancouver municipalities have translated ISMPs into actions. What water management issues do Integrated Stormwater Management Plans (ISMPs) integrate?



17. Edmonton, Alberta, has 299 000 landscape trees on City property. What do these trees provide to the city?




18. What are the risks to this valuable asset?




19. What is vision of the Urban Forest Management Plan?



20. What alternative maintenance techniques is the Forestry Unit testing to minimize losses from drought?



21. Coordination between municipal departments is critical in responding to evolving climate and pest conditions. What feasibility is being studied as a joint project between the Forestry Division and Public Works?


22. List the three components of Regina’s Water Conservation Program.



23. Together, the dikes and dams built in London, Ontario, have been effective defensive measures against what threat?


24. What two extreme weather alert systems has The City of Toronto developed and implemented?



25. Who are the city’s most vulnerable populations during extreme weather?



26. Summarize the components of the City of Toronto Hot Weather Response Plan
















27. What programs has the city of Toronto implemented aimed at reducing the effects of heat waves by cooling the city over the long term?








28.  What is the urban heat island effect?







29. What are the proposed/existing adaptation strategies to a shortage of water in Quebec City?







30. What are the three principle coastal adaptation methods available to the community of Le Goulet?