Information about me

Here's alittle info about me,My names Mike Im 19 years old, I live in Illinois, I graduated from high school last June 97 and planning on going to college this Fall I still live at home a drag huh? My folks are cool (sometimes)j/k, I got one brother he's a pain in the neck really (LOL) if you have a younger brother you should know.

Well what are my hobbies? hmmmm lets think, ok I love computers, I love surfing the net , love Basketball (NBA) The Chicago Bulls Rule and thats the bottom line =)they are the best there is Jordan is the best player ever, I will hate if he retires this year =( but he will be missed as the best of the best. =) also Pippin is also really good right behind Jordan. Another thing I like to do is to read books, play video games (N64) N64 Rules!!!!!!!!

heres a list of my Favorite Games

Mortal Kombat gamez (They are best fighting gamez ever, I dont care what people say) (I haven't played MK4 yet but im planning on it )

Sanfranisco Rush 64

Starfox 64

Wcw vs Nwo

Killer instinct Gold

Mario 64

Mystical Ninja


Doom 64

Quake 64

Here's a list of my Favorite movies.

Terminater 2

The Lost World


Air force one

Men in black

Mortal Kombat

Starship Troopers

Independence Day

My Favorite music groups

Boyz II Men

LL Cool J

R Kelly

Puff Daddy


K-Ci & JoJo

Notorious B.I.G.

Will Smith

my online friends


shes really nice and is like a sis to me, been there for me when I needed someone to talk to, thank you Alonia =)


He's cool, knows a few things on hacking =þ


he's also a cool dude, really into the Quake games.i still havent played him yet, he might whoop me


a good friend on the net and really cool,dont get him mixed up with Squal18, he's nothing like that loser


she's one of my best friends on the net and really sweet and a good friend


shes a really good friend, likes to joke alot =þ


she's also a good friend cool, fun to talk to, Funny and smart,


shes one of the coolest peeps at Yahoo, likes to joke alot and makes me laugh


he's cool and knows alot on codez also,and cracking stuff


also a good friend, shes into anime,and really good at webpages and Banners


anothre cool guy,we share yahoo trix back and forth, he taught me the pager boot =þ


my partner in crime at yahoo =þ he's cool


he's also my online buddy and cool, We play Duke3d and Quake 2 at Heat together, guess who always wins heheh


this guy is really cool,likes Hacking and nuking people lol


She's really nice and fun to talk to also a good friend me and heer always tricked people before yahoo change with fake Pm's heheh


same as above, fun to talk to, also cool like Kiwi2 LOL
