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Easter but another Holiday that its History has been lost and confused in the constant road of Life; however, no idea can stay lost for long because Knowledge is Infinite, therefore the tools in which we gain the Knowledge are also Infinite, so don't take what I say at Face Value. Do the research for yourself, so first let's look at the etymology of the word Easter. Easter derives from the Indo-European word, "aus" which means to "shine," and this same word begot Eoster, also said Oastre, and Estern in German. Eoster was the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of the Dawn. The word part, "aus" is also the origin of Eos and Aurora which are the greek names of this Goddess.

Aurora is also seen as the Goddess of the Morrow. Note that Aurora gives us the Aurora Borealis in which auroral displays occur, where electrons and protons are shot from the Sun and strike the Earth's surface. Eoster was the Goddess of the Dawn and the Sun rises in the East, so Easter comes directly from the word East. Eoster is also the Goddess of the Spring and she is often compared to Freya, the Goddess of the Fertile Spring. Freya is the Goddess that is accerdited with being the Goddess that Friday is named after, so bringing us to Good Friday (Freya's, Goddess of Fertile Spring, worship) which is the Sunday before Easter Sunday (Eoaster Day the birth of Spring)

According to the myth of Eoster, her Love brought forth ressurection of the Sun in which the aspect of Love comes from her Babylonian parallel, Isthar. Eoster was basically a protege of Isthar. This Goddess is often called Venus, Aphrodite, Astare, Ashtaroth, Ishhara, Inanna, Irnini or often Mother Nature. Isthar is Akkadian, Babylonian or Nineveh, Inanna is Sumerian, Venus is Roman, and Aphrodite is the Greek translation or transliteration. One should remember that Isthar in pagan theology was the Goddess of Love or Love according to pagan standards which is Lust. This is made self evident with the fact that at her temples there were special prostitutes of both sexes. She also makes advances to several men such as: Adonis, Dionysos, also called Tammuz, who was Isthar's husband.

Eos or Eoster is very simliar in that she also has many lovers and they are Phospheros or Lucifer, Kephalos, and Tithonos. In the case of her Love or properly said Lust, Eos sleeps with him and he lives as her son and lover at the most Eastern part of the World from which she rises, thus giving us Easter or the worship of this Goddess of the Dawn which was fused with the practices of Venus worshippers. Here Isthar is known as Tito and Tito and Tithonos derive from Titan. Aphrodite was said to had been born from an egg that hell from the Heavens and she is also known as the Beltis, "Queen of the Heavens" in the Bible, in Jeremiah Ch 44: 17-25 and Ezekiel Ch 8: 13-16. The worhip of Belits or Isthar was introduced by the Driuds. Isthar loved Tammuz, who is sometimes believed to be Adonis or very simliar to Adonis's story and also thought to be the brother and spouse to Ishtar, but he is generally known as a shepard God that is frequently given the title of Enlil, the Sumerian god replaced as champion and creator of the gods by the Babylonian Marduk. Tammuz died and Isthar followed him into the Undeworld. Isthar was then exchanged for Tammuz, so Tammuz could be ressurected or so he could "Spring back into the World." Then so was Isthar ressurected through Namtarher after being stripped and kept there by her sister, Eresh Kigal, "Queen of the Outworld." The use of Easter therefore presents the story of Isthar being born and also her Life. It also represents the ressurection of Tammuz and Isthar.

This worship was also symbolized by the Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox to the Autumn Equinox which to the ancients the Sun ressurected itself during this period of six months. Take in account that seasons played a very important role in pagan belief, such as the Winter Solstice in which human sacrafices were generally made.

The assumption is made that Easter is the same as Passover. In the Bible the word pasch is translated to the term Passover which is said to mean two events. One being during the Isrealite's captive in Khem (Egypt), it was said that "god" was to punish the Egyptians by killing all of their first borns and Passing over the Isrealites and thus saving their children. This sounds highly ridiculous and goes along with the hyperbole that is always brought by so-called Bible scholars. They turn their god into a ethnocentrical and bias diety with these lies. It is also said that Passover refers to "god" passing the Isrealites over to freedom and captivity from enslavement. This is what is mostly believed by Judaism. Now, looking at the Christian faiths, it is said that Easter means the same as Passover and that it refers to Jesus passing over from death to life during his resurrection. In the Bible the word pasch appears 28 times and out of those 28 only one is translated to Easter (Acts 12: 4, but only in the King James version) The Christian and Jewish community are constantly disagreeing as to what this means, but it basically can be seens as this. As said before, Easter comes from the worship of Eoster, goddess of the Dawn, which comes in the Easter; therefore, giving us Easter. Also as said before in Babylon and other ancient pagan civilizations, the Sun represented Eoster and it seemed to resurrect during the Dawn like Isthar, so it appears that they paid great amounts of respect for the Sun and during the Day it seemed almost alive as it Passed Over their heads. The idea of the Sun resurrecting and Jesus' so-called resurrection "backs up" the Star Christ Theory.

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