Thanksgiving Day
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Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day has a history filled with the murder and destruction of Native American culture. is suppose to mark the day in which pilgrims had a feast with the Native Americans, thanking them and "god" for all that they had recieved in the New World. That is how there mind thought. For years they called the poor part the New World the, while the Original Man was already civlizaing it. The pilgrims did unspeakable things to the Indians. They would murder them in cold blood. They forced their Christian god upon them. They killed them for simply worshiping in their own manner by giving respect to the land in which they lived. The Caucasian has no respect for his earth because deep within his mind he knows it's not his own. The Earth belongs to the Original Man. The pilgrims also brought many diseases that the Natives have never encountered and then they were not allowed to treat the illnesses in their way, but they were forced to use European medicne. If you think for a second that any Native American or Amerindian should be thankful. Thanksgiving was called by George Washington to be the third Thursday of November. The first one was in 1621. The day is to celebrate the kindness of the Native American Man, but when will the Devil return the favor.