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Tristan's Pokemon Page

Welcome to my Pokemon page, Here you will find a walkthrough, hints and tips, gameshark codes, cheats, and a list of made up cheats.There are sometimes problems reading to yellow writing if the proper background doesn't come up, if you don't see a blue background,your browser is crappy. I apologize for the material that was previosly on this page.As the pokemon fad ends, my page gets visited less and less, so I am going to be leaving it alone more often and updates will be few and far between, please E-mail me is you have anything you wish to add.



Made up cheats

TMs and HMs


Hints and Tips

Gameshark Stuff

E-mail me with your questions and comments

~E-mail Me~

I currently own 151 pokemon

This page was first created on March 13,1999. And was last updated April 14, 2000
This page was created by Tristan Helms

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