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January 3, 1998-SkyDome

I want to start off my saying that the concert was the BEST!!!! The evening started when everyone came over to my house. There was 9 of us all together. Since there was so many people, we were taking a limo. The limo picked us up at 6:00pm. The limo was so cool 'cause there was a TV, VCR and a radio. And there was a sunroof but we couldn't open it since it was raining. On the way to the SkyDome we were listening to the "Hot Hits and 6" and guess what was number one?? As Long As You Love Me! That was kinda cool. Anyway, on with the evening. As we were getting closer to the SkyDome, we could see van-fulls of girls trying to look in. You should have seen some of the looks we got! Well, we got Megan, the girl sitting by the window seat to stick out her hand and wave! You could only see her hand from outside and we got even more wierd looks after doing that! OK, when we got to the SkyDome, there were huge crowds at every gate! And they were all trying to squeeze through 5 single doorways at each gate. Once we were inside things were more spread out, except at the souvenier stands. I don't know why anyone bothered waiting at the back of the lines 'cause you weren't gonna get anywhere if you didn't push a little. I bought a poster, a "Nick" necklace and a "Making of Everybody" book. It's a really cool book. Before we bought anything, we found our seats. They weren't nearly as bad as we thought they would be. We were in row 27, section 115. That's a little to the left. At eight o'clock, all the light's went out and everyone started freaking! But Emjay came out.She kept getting everybody to scream and that was the last thing I needed for my ears. She was on until 9:25 p.m. When she went off the stage, the lights went back on. Everyone was wondering what was happening. People behind the stage were doing soundchecks and light checks and everytime the curtain moved people would start screaming again. That went on for about a half hour but finally at 9:00, all the lights went out again. This is when EVERYONE went wild! There was a platform kinda thing at the back of the stage with 5 levels. The top was in the middle, then one more on either side, and then another one on each side of that. Suddenly a shower of fireworks came up in front of the platforms. Then the BSB shot up through trap-doors in the platforms. From left to right there was Brian, Kevin, Nick, AJ and Howie. Nick was at the top. They were all wearing track suits. Nick in white, Brian in yellow, Howie in red, AJ in yellow, and Kevin in black. AJ's hair was a little on the puffy side. The music started for "That's The Way I Like It". The BSB stayed on the platforms for a little while and then they made there way down to the center of stage.

They sang "I Wanna Be With You" next. I really like the dance for that song. Then the sang "Hey Mr. DJ" Halfway throught "Hey Mr. DJ" Howie wasn't on the stage anymore. He must have gone backstage to change because right after "Hey Mr. DJ" Howie appeared on the top platform with an armful of roses. He was wearing all white. He said that instead of introducing themselves, they would each sing a solo. Howie sang "My Heart Stays With You" and during the song he passed out roses to people in the first couple rows. He also threw them out into the audience. At the end, hundreds of rose petals shot out from either side of the stage.

Next was AJ. The two smaller platforms that the band was on, slowly slid to the side and AJ walked out. I remember he was wearing a long white robe over a white shirt and pants. He sang "Lay Down Beside Me." Again, I don't know what was up with his hair!

After AJ, came Kevin also dressed in white. He sang the song "Nobody But You." It was a good song and Kevin saing it really good.

Brian was next. Two chairs were set on the side of the stage. Brian walked out from the side and he was carrying a guitar. He sat down on one of the chairs and one of the guitar players from the band sat on the other. Then he said, "I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to do a song that I wrote." Everyone went crazy! Brian started singing "That's What She Said" and he played the guitar. Not to offend anyone (»‡FricK‡«©) but Brian's voice was pretty off-key. I think it was just the sound system though. He usually sounds good when he sings live.

Anyway, Nick was next. He came out of the opposite side that Brian came from and he waled up to the top platform. He began singing "Heavin In Your Eyes." I LOVED THAT SONG!!! And he sang it so good! If you looked into the audience you could have been able to see flash after flash from all over the crowd. It was amazing! When Nick finished his song, the lights went out but when they went back on, the Boys came out all dressed in different white suits and sang "Let's Have A Party". After that they Boys set up to do "Quit Playing Games". The music started and they started to dance. But after a few seconds, they stopped and turned around, telling the band to start over 'cause they weren't ready. They did and again the BSB started another fake argument about who could play the instruments better. The BSB then took over and the band walked off the stage. Brian started saying, "Who wants to see Kevin play the keyboard?" And then everyone screamed. Then Brian said "who wants to see Howie play the guitar?" and then everyone screamed. Then he said "who wants to see AJ play the bass guitar?" and everyone screamed. Then he said "and who wants to see Nick play the drums?" and everyone went WILD!!! Then Brian said "and me, I'm going to play the bongos!" Everyone screamed and laughed at the same time. When Nick was walking up to the drums, he took on the long sleeve shirt he was wearing, revealing only his white T-shirt. He is no longer as self conscious about the shirt thing. He still wears a shirt all the time but it's never 4 shirts at once. Brian is now the conservative one. Speaking of shirts, Howie kept his on! He didn't take it off at all. Anyway, the boys played the instruments for the first two verses, Nick and Brian both sang their solos. Then they gave the instruments back and sang the rest of the song with the dance. After QPG, the Boys all put on white hats and sang All I Have To Give. Anywhere For You was next but first, Kevin had to say the names of a couple of girls that he was chatting with a couple days ago. Apparently the only way the girls would believe that he was really Kevin was if he said their names at the concert. Those girls must have been pretty shocked. After Anywhere For You three stools were set in the middle of the stage for Kevin, Howie, and Nick while they sang "I'll Never Break Your Heart". Brian and AJ stood the whole time. After I'll Never Break Your Heart they walked off stage but came back a couple minutes later and sang As Long As You Love Me. They did their chair dance (I love that dance) and walked off through the side with the chairs. They made it seem like the concert was over because even the band walked off the stage. But a couple minutes later the band came back on and soon after the BSB followed, all wearing Toronto jerseys. They sang Get Down and We've Got It Goin' On. Then they went off again and the video for "Everybody" appeared on the big screens. They showed the talking part at the beginning and it was the long version so they showed the music intro at the beginning with the music break in the middle too. Then they showed the talking part at the end and when the music was over they had a guy walking on stilts, and wearing a black robe (supposed to be the Grim Reaper) come out. There were 5 other people dressed in black robes that came out shortly after him and they were each pulling a black coffin. The music started and the 5 little men turned the coffings revealing the BSB in the clothes they wore in the video. Everyone started freaking again!! They sang "Everybody" and I knew that after this song, the concert would be over. I really didn't wanna leave. During the whole thing I felt like I wasn't really there. It was just like watching something on TV. The next day it finally clicked in that we were there and that's when I started freaking! Kinda late though, huh?¿ It was still the BEST though!! I can't wait 'til next time!!

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