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Select the song you'd like to listen to. The first three tracks are samples from our newest cd, The Immortality Murder. The fourth song is from our "A Treatise On Love" cd. The fifth is a real audio sample from the same cd. The sixth song is a real audio sample from our "I Am That Which Is" demo. After that is the reworked version that appeared on A Treatise On Love.

Part I: Absence... (MP3)
The Next Step: For The Sake of the Greater Whole (MP3)
Part IV: Matriarch (MP3)
PT III - The Psychology of Demons And The Bitterness of Winter (MP3)
PT IV - Toy: A Primrose Path To The Second Circle (real audio)
Pride Of The Serpent Winds - demo version (real audio)
Pride Of The Serpent Winds - CD version (MP3)

: Initiation Area: Biography : Brain Stem: News : Frontal Lobe: Reviews : Reading Area: Lyrics :
: Temporal Lobe: Samples : Parietal Lobe: Merchandise : Occipital Lobe and Cerebellum: Profiles : Spinal Cord: Links :
: Yearning: Media : Reminiscence: In Memory : Extra-Sensory: Additions : E-mail Scholomance :

Site Design by Scott Crinklaw : Year 2002.