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The lyrics below come from our demos and promos!

Intro - The Third Scenario
The light dimmed and it became clear what stood before us. It was not 'god' as humans know him. It was something quite different. A feeling of sublime tranquillity came over me as I realized what was happening. By opening the door I opened a new existence. The first page was about to be turned...
-© Scott C. 1995-

Nights Of Somber Frost
They tend to come on nights of cold
While somber frost is spreading its deathly fingers
On perishing blades of grass
When the distant stars shine ever closer, They come,
To drench the unblessed in trembling fright

Among us... They are now and past
In the future millennia they will still be

A blinding white paralysis and I float like the feather of a dove
Maddeningly helpless, I leave the muddy soil
Drifting above the slithering worms and carrion
Without wings, I fall skyward
Oh, how envious is the wise owl
As he watches with yellowed eyes of wonder
Sound is nonexistent and the chirping crickets
Have been crushed by the weight of godly silence

Where was I when I was alone?
Take of my body and blood of earth
Take of mind and soul of realms yet unknown
What worth have I before those of the black?

God did not create us in his image
The ancient myth is a psychotic lie
We are separate and will always be
Inferior... Conversion is unavoidable
-‹© Scott C. 1995-

Light Defiance
The living have never seen me
Those dead, I guess they might have seen these feasting eyes upon them
With teeth a red-tinged white
Hide away the cherubs for youthful blood is life
As Zephyr blows to chill the soul, resurrection comes at night

My lust is like a universe, far beyond sight, far beyond heaven's reach
Yet spilling forth with life
Leaching fiend, how I am enthralled by venesection
Bred of purest lineage, Dragons symbolize my cognation

Blasphemy has bore me to feed its hunger
Parched and more ravenous with less to desire to wander
Remember my creator being cast into the sun by members of my own commune
I destroyed everyone
How his flesh defied the light, but slowly fell to ash
Martyr for lost centuries, how his kind have passed

With no one to guide me through
I will not trust this gift in you
Remove the pain, make me ash
Return to dust and rest at last

Grasp at desperation while falling with the line
Now I stalk the world alone and will throughout all time
Cannot control my nature
No wife can bear my seed
To love me is to die by me, our controversing needs
Who would care to end this, I'm suffering to breathe
All that is left to offer are remains, they could lead death back to me

Eyes transfixed upon stars, capture Nocturne fire
Gasp to tease my breathing, a beast bound by desire
-© Jimmy P. 1995-

Innocence... Lustborn
Abandon what you lust in denial, confusion is bliss
Face it, take its supple lips in yours, in tenderness
I want your breath in me, hold me tight until terrible twilight fades
We'll dance again soon my precious

As you pelt my face with stones
I will still see the lust-worthy gleam within
Pursuit of part of me that has fled from rationality

Your physical perfection, your chiseled form...
My nightvisions veer from the mossy banks of the stream
Into the turbulence of what I want to share
Sugary dreams of feathery adoration
Our fingers tip to tip, our thoughts of Venus and her dried, wilted gardens
And we lie bleeding as one from Cupid's forbidden arrow

Slick and writhing amongst the clover, serpentine in sin
Lustborn and virginal ties to normality are frayed
I want to be left gasping and wet and touched as never before
When Love fluttered its damned shimmering wings
Love was for fools
It lived a happy life but died as swiftly as a snowflake on a tongue

A cowardly child sitting in the corner playing with the rats
Come and run away to find forever
Believe in me like your prayers
Trust in me as a bible
Fine as you are, loyalty goes elsewhere
This game was mine
No, I didn't love you sweetness, but how I loved your humiliation.
-© Scott C. 1996-

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