Bajor hosts a thriving and deeply spiritual race of humanoids. It boasts outstanding beauty and emerald oceans. Its climate is temperate. Its land is rich in resources although some are depleted due to heavy mining during the occupation. Bajor lies on the edge of cardassian space and has at least five moons. The fifth moon is called Jeraddo, and its molten core is being tapped as an energy source for the planet. The bajoran solar system is also home to the only stable wormhole. The system has eight planets, of which Bajor is the third. The bajoran day is 26 hours long.
Bajoran history is filled with great architects, artists, musicians, builders and philosophers. Bajor had a rich and flourishing culture when terrans were sailing their first ocean.
Bajor is split up into provinses. The capital city on Bajor is called Capitol City.
There are many different customs in bajoran society. An example is that a bajorans surname comes before their first name. Bajorans also clap differently to other races, by hitting their right hand against the back of the left hand. Wearing an earring is also very symbolic. Bajor is a highly spiritual world. They look to a reliogous leader called the Kai for leadership and guidance. The spiritual nature of the bajorans actually provided the strenght they needed to fight the Cardassains. Among their complex death rituals, Bajorans hold that a deceased soul should make peace with its former life and bid goodbye to those left behind before proceeding on to the afterlife. Their heart's internal arrangement is mirrored along a horizontal, not vertical axis; puncturing the lower ventricle of the heart brings immediate death. To the Bajorans, the land and the people who live on it are one and the same. Bajorans are led by both a spiritual leader (Kai) and by a provisional government. Since the discovery of the wormhole on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine near the Bajoran home world on stardate 46379.1, the Bajorans have enjoyed an increase in political power in their sector. School years are organized by age "levels", and perhaps even in the refugee camps they offered art to youngsters as young as age 4.
Bajoran pregnancy lasts for 5 months. Bajoran women don't suffer from morning sickness but instead have severe sneezing fits. Another difference is that Bajoran women do not experience pain in labour, if they do it means it is not time for the baby to be born. The reason for the short gestation period is that the mother and child very quickly link up with a complex network of blood vessels.Humanoid race, distinguished outwardly only by extra wrinkles at the bridge of the nose.