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Book Of Planetary Exploration

1 - How many planets are in the system?

2 - How many of them are Class M?

3 - Are there any other habitable planets that are not class M?

4 - What colour is/are the stars around which your planets revolve? Is it a binary system?

5 - Are the atmospheres on these planets thick, thin, or earth-like?

6 - What colour do these worlds appear to be?

7 - How much water is on the planets?

8 - What are the primary terrain's: desert, arctic, cool, warm, tropical etc?

9 - What are the dominant life forms on the planet?

10 - Are these Dominant life forms sentient?

11 - What is the culture/lifestyle/physical and psychological traits of these creatures?

12 - What is the religion/viewpoints/level of scientific advancement?

13 - Do these creatures posses any special abilities such as telepathy?

There are many more things, which could be taken into consideration. Flesh out these worlds as much as possible. When you have one send it to me and it will be added to the Database. USC members may be eligable to recieve a academy result for their efforts.

VAdm Kbee