Below you see first a complete Birthplace-Horoscope for someone born near
the Lake of Constance, St.Gallen, Switzerland, on 9 degree 30 eastern Longitude
and 47 degree 25 northern Lattitude.
Blue = The Basic-Constellation of the planets
at the moment of birth with all the aspects amongst them. This is the portion
of every horoscope that is unchangeable for life! Desribes the basic character
of a person and is with that the background on which the quality of time is
measured, called transit.
Darkgreen = This are the Transit-Positions for
the planets, here drawn for the 14th of July 2005, used to check the quality of
time for that particular day, or any other in the future or the past.
Red = The House-System and aspects that may
lead from one of the planets to the MC/IC or Asc./Desc. Axis. This determines
the surrounding of a person, and is the changeable part of every horoscope!
The House-System must be adjusted to any place of stay other than the
birthplace, everytime someone moves somewhere else, since every change of place
means a change of the personal environment. This is the part of the horoscope
where those changes are manifested, after the adjustment of the House-System.
A adjusted House-System may also bring changes to the Transit-Positions of the
planets in the houses, or with aspects to the MC/IC or Asc./Desc. Axis.
Important note here: this sort of work should strictly only be done by those
who have the knowledge of the meaning of each one of the 360 degrees of the
Zodiac, because those who only know the 12 signs are hopelessly bound for
inacuracy, which -on this level- is nothing short of catastrophical for
everyone who unknowingly "believes" in such incompetence.
If you wish astrological advice on a scientific acurate level:
I do this since more than 14 years now, worldwide,
by hand, as shown here, each one individual!
It must be understood that i do no "Mass-Production",
on this level that is simply not possible.
For further details contact me via