~My Room~

Well welcome to my room. Watch for the mess but like I said it is my room and this is how I want it.
So by coming in here I take it you want to find out a bit about me. Well I was born June 26th 1973 in Victoria, B.C. Canada. I am a PROUD CANADIAN!!
I love sports and am very competitive, I have been told too competitive and that sports are to have fun. I have a question for you is losing FUN??
I am ADDICTED to NIKE products shoes, hats ,clothes, if it has the swoosh I gotta get it, that is why I have the icon at the top of the page. Whatelse to say well how about some pics.

I am 5'6", so just a real small guy you could say but for some reason trouble always seems to find me, you think I would be able to hide from it but no way it always tracks me down.
I have short dirty blonde hair and aqua eyes . My friend Scott hates it when I say that but here is another pic for you to decide for yourself.

So there you have some pics of me and you can make the decision on the eye colour. Well I hope you take the time to visit the rest of the rooms and email with your opinion on my page.
Here is a pic of me and some friends great bunch of people (yeah right)

A Few Deep Thoughts!
Age is but a number, life is not how long you live it, but how you live it.
A new one!! Actually I came up with this one on a very late Thursday night or was it Friday morning at the Fire hall.
The Meaning Of Life: You go to work to put gas in your car to get back to work.
Risk everything to live dieing safe is boring. LOL so that isn't really a deep thought more of a motto
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Email: rsc13@shaw.ca