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We here at "Scream Louder" are all breathing a heavy sigh of relief! It seems that all the hard work we've gone through to get this movie to all of you has paid off. The reviews you've sent in are overwhelmingly supportive and positive! The bottom line is: You guys REALLY like "Scream Louder!" Here are just a handful of the reviews we have gotten:

First of all, I have been going out of my mind waiting for my tape to arrive. The day finally arrived. I got the mail today and ran the whole 3/4 mile back to my house and jammed the tape in. I have been frequenting as many Scream sites as I can lately, so I've read your other public reviews. I agree that the opening scene was pretty lame, but the rest was sooo good! I was kind of upset when you killed yourself off, Robert... I thought you did great as Randy! Kelli was definitely my favorite! She did awesome... I was screaming at her through almost the whole movie! You definitely got the horror aspect down... A BIG question I have is... HOW THE HECK WERE YOU ALLOWED TO FILM IN A VIDEO STORE??? AND GET IT BLOODY NONETHELESS!? But, anyway... you guys did ann awesome job. I'm going to have a SCREAM LOUDER party and invite a bunch of people over to watch your movie. My friends and I are going to make our own Scream sequel, but I doubt it'll be 1/2 as good as yours. The ssets and locations were great... I hope that if your goal with this movie was to get into a good film school that they break down your door to get you. This wasn't really a review, but I'll be putting one up on my homepage.. I may even startt my own SCREAM LOUDER page... Once again... GREAT JOB! (and tell Kelli she's very awesome and very attractive) A SCREAM LOUDER GROUPIE, John Simpson
I got your movie, and I must say. Two thumbs up. 4 star rating. I loved it. There were a few parts that were eh, but all in all it was a great movie. I don't care what anybody else says, I liked it. I think it was worth the money. It had me fooled, i thought it was someone, then it was someone else. Well, thanks for making it. I enjoyed it very much. And, don't get me wrong, I didn't like it cuz it was funny as in HA HA like the person who you gave the free copy to. I liked it because it had a ok story, I'm a huge scream fan, and it had good characters. It was great. I will watch it alot, and yes, this will hold me over til scream 2, it'll even hold me over longer. Well, good movie, talk to you later, Bye! ~WishRyder
I just wanted to tell you i think your movie rocked....I LOVE SCREAM LOUDER....I wouldve payed $50 for it......And i think it was well worth the wait....You guys did a great job......Does any of the stars of the movie have there own email address's where i could email them directly? Cause i think they should have like there own fan club......Sidney was fucking hot....I thought in your movie sydney was suppose to have a baby named tatum? Anyways the character i loved the most was John Tackett as Lt. Krabelsky He fucking rocked he was funny as shit....I also wish i had a dollar every time someone in the movie said fucking bitch...i would be a millionare by now......So once again if there is anyway to contact any of the people in the movie please let me know...Anyways thanx again FOR A GREAT MOVIE...One last thing are guys making any other movies or have you made movies in the past? if some can i have some names and prices.... The #1 Scream Louder Fan Chris B.
Dear future director, I was thrilled to see that someone not only had enough will to sit down and script a sequel to Scream, they also filmed it, edited it and marketed it over the internet. Wow, that's very respectable! You've certainly got what it takes as far as marketing is concerned. I wanted to give you some pointers and praise and I hope you'll read this entire message, even if it is really long (I'm formulating it as a list to make it easier to read). I am an 18 year old aspiring director who has already made several movies myself. I have a website too, but I won't bother you and ask you to visit it because I know you have lots to do as it is! Eventually, I will be marketing a movie in the same fashion you did Scream Louder, and when I do, will e-mail you with info in case you'd like to support me the way I did you. It's the support we all give each other that will give us the strength to push ahead to bigger and better things! First off, I ordered Scream Louder knowing full well it would be an amateur movie and not the actual sequel. I ordered for three reasons: 1) I was curious 2) I wanted to support a fellow filmmaker and 3) I thought that I might get a chance to see a real cool movie. My Mom insisted that it was a scam and told me not to be surprised when I never got the video. Well, she was wrong! What I got fit my expectations and exceeded them as well! The rather unfavorable review on "It's a scream, baby" lowered my expectations so I expected the movie to be a whole lot worse than it actually was. I am not saying the movie was bad. By no means was it bad. In fact, it was quite good. You are right in saying that for an amateur movie it kicks ass, because it definitely does! So what if it's not shot in actual film and the bars on the top and bottom were only added in post production to crop off the top and bottom of the screen. So what if the camera is a little wobbly. It doesn't matter. You get an A+ for effort! This movie is actually better than some movies I've seen in the theater! I heartily reccomend spending the $10. It is well worth it. You've accomplished something very few amateur filmmakers have: completed a full-lenght motion picture that is actually longer (and better) than some movies in theaters. Good job guys. Pat your selves on the back and go out and celebrate. You deserve it. -Luke Goljan Founder, Mayhem Pictures
Scream Louder was excellent for an amateur sequel. It had action, sadness, and madness. Scream Louder had its high points and its low points. The actors weren't that great except for Gale Weathers. The rest of the actors didn't show any expression. They just talked like I am talking to you. But Gale Weathers was all the oppisite of that. Another thing was when pepople die, all they showed was the knife and how it was all bloody. Some good things about it were that it was funny, never got boring, and the sets where they filmed were good. Scream Louder is: 2 hours and 7 minutes long. It is only $10 dollars and well worth the $10 dollars. So if you are looking for a good laugh or just want to see someone get killed. Send in your 10 dollars and recieve your Scream Louder. DEWEY BOY
I applaud you! Not only did this movie keep me hooked because of the fact it's funny and entertaining, it actually had a plot. Most amateur movies I've seen (or created myself) do not have plots. As the opening scene unravels, I couldn't turn my head away from the television even though the phone was ringnig. I was hooked. It reminded me so much of the original with the way it was filmed and done, that I immediately told myself I'm going to start my directing career this summer. You filmed it with excellent camera angles and techniques, I thought that it could have been a professional movie production. There are cheezy parts, but what can you expect from an amateur film? All in all, the beginning was well done. It was rather dark and the film was grainy (probably because of the copying and the fact that home video cameras cannot film well in dark areas), but it didn't really keep you from not watching. Good show with the beginning...Frightfully funny and fearful! I'm very surprised you took the time to do so many different camera angles, blocked off a video store so no one would come in, got permission from the UNF police, filmed in a hotel, filmed in a movie theater, filmed at a real TV station, and basically made it look as professional as you could. The actors were quite good in their rolls, especially Gale Weather's (Kelli Welborn) character and Heather Myers (Brianne Beidelman). They portrayed their characters true to form and made the movie what it was. You gave a lot of lines to Gale which she memorized quite well and acted better than amateur. Not to jump around, but I really enjoyed the ending. In fact, that should have been in the original - all the fighting, cussing, and weird twists and turns. You actually pulled off the murders well too. I'm glad you made a cameo appearance because you did Randy's roll justice. I think the video store scene is my favorite where everyone is murdered. It had good camera work and a good script with funny lines here and there. Oh, by the way, how the hell did you get into a girls bathroom? I wanna know so I can. ;-) Just kidding. I'm very impressed with how this movie came out. Really, I am. I was really impressed with this film and plan to show it to a few people here at JU and a teacher, and then at home. It may not be the greatest film ever to walk this amateur field, but you did do something that most people probably couldn't do. I say to those who think it's "stupid, dumb, etc:" "Once you can do something like this and do it better, then you can fully criticize it and say it sucks." I, as a fellow director -to-be, say that it was a hair-raising experience that I'll cherish for a long time to come, that included great work for a bunch of people just "wanting to have fun." I'm looking foward to any other films you plan to make and hope I might be able to contribute in some way. Again, THANX! And tell the cast, I had a "screaming" good time! David Innocenti
Hi, I just received my copy of Scream Louder today. It was awesome! Even the box that it came with was awesome. This movie was VERY professional looking. I really liked the different kinds of camera angles that were used. The music fit the scenes perfectly, and a lot of you gave excellent performances. I really liked this movie alot, and I'm glad that the "It's a Scream Baby" web site changed its review to a more positive one. This movie wasn't worth 10 bucks. It was worth 25! Or even more! Congratulations on a movie well done! I can't wait till I watch it again! Steve Kale
You were right. I got the tape yesterday, and it was well worth the wait. it was GREAT!!! Thank you!! The part in the video store was just hilarious!(i.e.: when CHRIS is dying and RANDY and the other girl just stand there without looking behind them.) It was a great movie, even if it was ameteur. I still liked it! You did a fine job, a fine job!!!!! Good Luck on any future ventures. Shad Scott
WOW!!!! I just finished watching your movie "Scream Louder" for the fourth time. I am so amazed of how you have grown from your previous work. I enjoyed it so much I thought I was watching a theatrical picture. The Wide Screen format was excellent, I wish I can add that to my films. The sequel gave justice to the original film, the music and acting where excellent. I love the dialogue.... "You Bitch" "You Stupid Bithch" I was laughing the whole time... :) I am also amazed of your settings for the film, like for example (the video store, AMC Cinema) You are so lucky to use such wonderful sets. That was a cool scene where the first guys dies in the video store and you and that one chick toss skettles in your mouth..then you find the bodies in the Drop Box and a tag "YOUR FUCKED" HAAHAHAHA Funny stuff man!!! Brianne Once agian gave a wonderful performance. Everyone one on the film should take a bow for their hard ass work on the film. I can tell Robert that you put your hard work on high gear and it shows on the screen. Your picture is probably as good as the sequel coming out this December. I am proud of my fellow Film-Friend. I have a question, When I saw the trailer on the internet you had your friend from Batman Retires (MAD HATTER) hold some tapes up and say, "What do you want to see??" hold up two video cassettes and another blonde girl that was not featured in the final cut. Don't tell me they didn't make the cut? you should have a director's cut...that would be cool to see. I am going to show Taylor Burke your movie today and I will tell her to email you a review on your film. Robert, if you have anyother stuff I have not seen before please send it to me I am always interested in seeing anything you have worked on. I am currently working for a full Video Feature....probably 2hr movie of "She Dances Forever" The last installment to the "She Dances Still..." Trilogy. It is going to be my best Film EVER!!! Talk to you soon...and Keep in touch!!! Hey you when one of us makes it big in Hollywood CA or FL I hope we get to work together...we would make one awesome film. Jesus D. Heredia
I got the movie. It's cool. When does the behind the scenes come out, oh one last thing, Randy was portrayed really well. So was Cotton. He was cool. FRANKLIN FAMILY
I received my copy of "Scream Louder" on Friday, November 14th and I have watched it 2 times. I think that for an amateur film it was quite exceptional. The plot was amazing and could actually pass as the plot for the real sequel to Scream. I am a huge fan of the movie "Scream" and horror films in general and I couldn't be happier at their renewed popularity. Again, for an amateur film, your production was superb. If one can watch this film keeping in mind that it is an amateur film I think that it can be as enjoyable and suspenseful as the original Scream. Sure, the acting may be a little cheesey in parts, but hey, I sure as hell couldn't have done any better myself. I will have to give Kelli Welborn credit, she portrayed Gail Weathers very effectively and her acting skills are impressive. I was also very impressed with the girl who played Tonya, the video store clerk, and also that of Alicia Leigh Walker. I just really want to take the time to commend you for your efforts and all the obvious hard work you put into this production, I was truly shocked at the effort put into this film. I will give this delightful film **** out of **** and am very proud to have it rest on the movie shelf right along side of Wes Cravens "Scream". Also, since there is going to be a Scream 3, are there any possibilities of you doing that?? I would defiantly reserve a copy!! Thanks for the hard work and great production!! Troy Escamilla
I received my copies of Scream Louder yesterday, and I just wanted to tell you that you did a excellent job with it!!! I'll try to do a review for you as soon as I get the chance to watch it again. I just wanted to drop you a note to say to tell you how much I liked it! Thanks for making it available! By the way, is there any way you could put a few more pictures on your page? I you need space, I could host some on my page. Anyway, again, congratulations on a job well done! -- Jason Ratliff
i thought the movie was great. it was much better from what i expected after reading "it's a scream baby"'s review. i what i did was watch the movie knowing that it was an amatuer film. i liked the story very much are millions of things i could tell you that i liked but, i'll tell you the few i didn't liked first: the lines were good but, "you stupid bitch" was getting old in the end. when ghostface was walking to gale's building he was wearing black sneakers, don't you think boots would have been better? i didn't like how just before someone was going to get killed in the end some one else shot them did you do al these to make fun of other horror movies. my favorite scene of all was the video store death scene. i can't tell everything i liked about it. adam
Hello. I believe that I have written to you at least twice before when I thought I had sent you a check and I had a few questions about that. As it turns out, I did send a money order. My tape came in yesterday. I enjoyed this very much and despite the fact that many parts are good for a laugh, it was entertaining and well filmed. I can see that you all obviously put a lot of effort into this. I brough the tape to my friend's house. One of the main things about this movie that seemed to have been done very professionally was the usage of scary music from some classic horror films. I was impressed with all of the actors. I was hoping that I might be able to drop you guys a line to congratolate you on your work with specific details, knowing who you are. You are one of the actors aren't you? If not, could you provide me with the e- mail addresses of any actors and actresses possible in this movie? Thanks for your time. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Bobby
Hello, due to your movie that I enjoyed and some of my friends, we have decided to write and produce our own horror movie. We were inspired by your movie so we are going to create our own story, then make it. I just thought I'd tell you. Bye. ~Wish
Well i throughly enjoyed your film. I have also dabbed aroung with making my own films, not at long as yours, but there are a good laugh. I know your movie was meant to be serious, and it was in some areas of the movie, but there were also some quite humerous areas too. In my opinion you guys, with what you had, and the talent you had, you did an excellent job, and i can't wait to show your film to a few of my friends. If you ever make another movie, i would be very interested in seeing it. I applaud to all of you, you did a splendid job. Thanks again for letting the world observe your movie. 2 1/2 Stars in my book. THANK YOU -Greg Bensch
i recieved my copy of scream louder today, i immediatly put it in the vcr, watched, i thought it was fabulous. i did not think the acting was as bad as joseph henson said it was. i thought the women who played gale, sidney, heather, and lisa slater did marvelous jobs on their preformances. and the men who played randy, cotton, matt dewey, and of course LT. krawbolski we absolutly stunning. i mean all of this! i loved how you paid homage to scream, with some little hidden things having to do with scream like: woodsbor video being located at craven and williamson, a barely visable copy of scream on the counter in the video store. there were much more as you know. feel free to put this on your page so people will know it is no ta fraud! once again i think you did a wonderful job. and if i am writing to the person who wrote the script i would personally like to tell him that i think kevin williamson, and wes craven would love this film! thanks for making it! SCREAM4646
Hi again....I just watched the movie and I loved it. You said you weren't in it, that's what you told me....But you were good as Randy...I thought the girl who played Sidney was great. The only thing I didn't like was Dewey......??? But other than that I thought you did a great job. I just wanted to let you know that. I can imagine how hard it was to make it. If you need any help with any of your projects or anything....I have been filming with my video camera for about 9 years now...I have mastered the art of No budget films.....You look like your in the same boat.....Anyway. How old are you? Just curious. I'm 19. Let me know.... Sincerly, Shayne Grier
I really enjoyed the film. Great job guys. Other than lighting I had no problem with it and it wasn't bad.So good job to all the cast and crew. For a simple request how about a sequel to I Know What You Did Last Summer!!!!!! Well see ya later and write me back if you can. CARL LOFF
i thought the movie was great. it was much better from what i expected after reading "it's a scream baby"'s review. i what i did was watch the movie knowing that it was an amatuer film. my favorite scene of all was the video store death scene. adam
hey, yea, today i got the tape and i watched it. i was like wow! I was mainly listening to the soundtrack and just that whole nightmare on elm street hit and i thought that was way cool. i'm personally working on a script for a movie (not like it will ever be produced) so i was wondering if you had any tips or whatever on how to get these things started. thanx. keep it up. great movie! sqirly

