
Sidney's roommate Hallie is like the girl next door. She's nice and polite to ALMOST everybody. One of her main goals at the college was to become a delta lamias. That all change when the murders began to occur more frequently. Her main goal then changed to just get out of this alive. Which she almost did, when the killer crashed the car they were in and fell unconscious. Her and Sidney had to climb over him and pray that he wouldn't wake up. Of course, Sidney had to go back. They went back, but the killer was gone. While Sidney wasn't looking the killer grabbed Hallie and stabbed her several times. If only Sidney hadn't of gone back, then her friend wouldn't have died.

ELISE NEAL recognized her character Hallie right away. "She's the kind of girl who's dying to be in a sorority. It's her first year of college and she wants to be all cool. She sees that Sidney has had a hard couple of years and her attitude is, 'Relax. You're in college now. I'll show you a great time.'" Neal recently starred in the action-comedy "Money Talks", opposite Chris Tucker. Earlier this year, she played Ving Rhames' wife in John SIngleton's "Rosewood." Her next project, "Restaurant", is scheduled to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. Neal was born and raised in Tennessee.

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Picture and information on Elise Neil was taken from the offical Scream 2 page by Demension Films.

Hallie's Best Qualities

  • Sticks by her friend, even though it means risking her life.
  • Knows one of the rules to a horror movie #5: Never ever under any circumstances GO BACK to where the killer is.
  • Pledged to one of the most poluar soroities(sp?) at the college, and almost got in.
  • She has the type of attitude that would have kept her alive if Sidney had listened to her.
  • Hallie shows a bit of self pride through common curtesey.

Email: cassey_becker@yahoo.com