Revenge Plea

We all have our enemies right? Well, this girl pictured above is mine. Her name is Alisha Bloom. I just wanted everyone out there in cyberspace to be aware of her. She's your average cheerleader snob. It is statistically proven that at least 15 perecent of all teenagers are teased every day, and some of them never get over it. Like me. I actually don't hold grudges, not usually anyway. She's the only one who has ever given as much trouble as she has, except from her best friend Amanda Cischke. As we all know people go through their confusion stage. I've been suffering from manic depression for along time. A few years ago, my friends and I turned to the black arts and the religion Wicca, but not even a year later we gave up on that. Amanda was just one of those hurt teens who felt it would satisfy her needs and make her look cool if she started spreading stuff around the school. My friends and I ignored it mostly, but we were then labeled witches and the whole school turned on us. Not much problem there. This year I ended up switching schools, and got a whole new rep and everything. But as you know some teens are immature enough to bring stuff from the past foward.
Amanda's friend Alisha Bloom decided she ought to stick up for her friend in a matter that had been forgotten almost two years ago. Threatened to beat me up, yadda yadda the usual bitch talk. I ignored her and moved on with my life. You could obviously tell that getting me to react gave her a thrill and made her feel good about herself. So when I didn't respond, she decided to be stupid and threaten me right there in the middle of the hallway in front of the whole theater class. Then she decided to use even less brains and threaten to kill me right in front of the World Culture teacher the next hour. We both ended up getting suspended for ten days. My crime: defending myself against someone in order to protect my body from physical abuse. Well, according to the school district, your supposed to stand there and get beat up, and possibly killed. So here I am sitting in front of the computer, while my grades drop to F's and all my friends are in school. So, my best friend and I decided to see if anyone had any ideas to get back at her. 'Cause we know that if we don't, she will. Like I said before, it's childish, but hey. We want to live to have a little fun, right? So if you have any suggestions sign 'em in the guest book or e-mail me at:
