Scream 2 Picture Archive

"We were all involved with woodsboro. Any of us could be next."

"I hate scary movies."

"Don't you know history repeats itself?"

"It's him. He can see us."

"I'm calling from the omega beta Zeta...hello?"

CiCi Cooper

"You got a hard on for Cameron."

"Sidney, I'd just like to say. I forgive and forget."

"I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of?"

"You better get me that interview."


"Hi, I'm Gale Weathers. Author of THE WOODSBORO MURDERS."

"Be kind she saved our lives."

"Okay...I've got it. T2."

"I play a young girl, Sidney Prescott..."

"There are certain rules to abide by in order to make a successful sequal."

***"Why do you always answer a question with a question?"

***"Sid, I didn't do anything. You gotta believe me!"

***"Come on Dewey, smile for me. Just once."

***"I'll smile when we catch the killer."

***"That's a big no no. You're not supposed to give your letters to your girl in any shape, way, or form. The brothers are gonna kick his ass, but it's tradition."

***"Come on it's just a scary movie." "No, I'm not going back in there. It really happened to a bunch of kids in California."

***"Come on derek, it's okay. We've got her."

***"Boyfriend, killer, boyfriend, killer."

***"Get a room."

***"So what am I supposed to do Dewey. Crawl under a rock?"

I should have some more pics up in a week or so.

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