Title: Beneath The Rose Author: Reddi Red1401@btinternet.com Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. I got nothing here!! In fact, I have less than nothing. I have 'othing. When you really think about it, I own very little, except maybe my weird and wacky imagination. Hope you enjoy... if so mail me and tell me. If not, mail me and rant at me. Look, just mail me... 'k? Beneath The Rose You can't say the words Doesn't mean you don't feel The pain left inside you The scars that don't heal And you wake with the memories Regret lingers on No love in this life time Not alive now. It's gone. All the clocks stop their ticking Peace is your shroud And you dream of a time before Now lost, never found The lights are all dimmer here In this empty shell you breathe And you know in your heart There's nothing to believe A soul smiles so sweetly But your eyes never see No more innocence, nor beauty All the things you won't be The stars go on shining In a sky made of black And you stop and you ponder All those things that you lack Surrounded by corpses You walk on, alone But you pray for a moment A lost faith you had known Now reason has escaped you No 'Cargo Ergo Sum' No metaphysical release Your mind now is numb All the Angels are quiet Not Heaven sent for you And this world keeps on turning So green, but so blue The light shines so brightly You try but cannot reach So you lurk in the shadows Just footprints on the beach The colours have all faded now Negativity reigns free Darkness feeds upon your blood Then you lay down next to me. Red @ http://www.btinternet.com/~red1401/Red.htm