Fletcher - Chapter 10 By Dana Starbuck Feedback to jbowne@top.monad.net Note: I am posting this for a friend who only has access to the internet thru work. I did not write this, but I have agreed to let my friend use my email account. Any comments, please reference 'Fletcher' so I know to print and pass on to her. Distribution: Archive only to ScullySlash Homepage only Crossposting: None please! Keywords: F/F, Scully/Other, Mulder/Other Friendship, SOTL Crossover (sort of) Spoilers: None Rating: NC17 for sex, ScSlash Rating - A & B Summary: Scully becomes involved with a friend of Mulder's from his pre-Xfiles past. DISCLAIMER: The X-Files characters and situations are the creations and property of Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and the Fox Broadcasting and have been used without permission. SOTL characters are the property of Thomas Harris and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended and no money shall be made with this piece of fiction. All the others belong to the author. Monday, 8:30 AM Fletcher woke up to a steady, yet inconsistent thumping noise coming from outside. It was a familiar sound, but she couldn't place it. She slid out of bed, taking care not to wake Scully. She threw on her robe and went to the window. Mulder was shooting baskets, and based on the number of misses she witnessed, she deduced he hadn't slept very well. "Shit," Mulder swore loudly as he watched another shot clang off the rim. He turned to chase the shot down only to find Fletcher standing there, one foot on the ball. "Feel up to a game of 'one-on-one', Wonder Boy?" "Sure. 21?" Fletcher nodded and picked up the basketball. She tossed the ball crisply to him. "You can go first." "Same rules as before?" "House rules," she agreed. Mulder began to dribble the ball. He turned and started backing his way to the basket. He suddenly picked up his pace and his dribble. He elbowed Fletcher sharply, spun and drove toward the hoop. Fletcher had been surprised at how hard he thrown his elbow into her chest and was caught flat-footed. She turned and watched Mulder finish with an easy lay-up. "One-zip," he said throwing the ball to Fletcher. Fletcher immediately began to head toward the basket. She stopped, faked once, then faked twice, catching Mulder going down as she went up for the shot. "One-all," she said as the shot swished through the net. Once again, Mulder turned his back to Fletcher as he dribbled the ball, and once again he threw an elbow into her as he drove in for another lay-up. "Two-one," he said tonelessly. Fletcher thought. When Fletcher began to dribble toward Mulder, he slapped at the ball, not seeming to care that he was hitting her hand or her arm. "You're awfully close to fouling, Mulder," she warned. "You always liked a physical game, Fletcher." She turned, keeping her back between Mulder and the ball. She felt his hand on her hip, but his hand check was more like a small push. She backed into him, and copying his move, used her elbow to push him back so that she could toss in an easy basket. "Two-all." The caliber of their play deteriorated after that. It was no longer a game. It was battle, and it was close to becoming a dirty little war. Every shot, every rebound was fought for with pushing, shoving and elbows flying. It came to a head when Mulder used a hip check that was more appropriate for a hockey rink and sent Fletcher tumbling to the ground. Fletcher thought angrily. Mulder offered her his hand and pulled her to her feet. Her temper got the better of her and she twisted him around, pinning his arm behind his back. She'd done this move plenty of times in the past with him, but had always been joking. Not this time. This time she was dead serious. "It's time we had a little talk, Mulder. Enough is enough. If you're mad at me, then talk about it. Keep it off the court." She let go of his arm and pushed him away. He glared at her, his eyes dark with his anger. "I can't believe you slept with her," he blurted. "And I'll continue to sleep with her as long as she wants to." "Or until you tire of her, just like you have with all the others," he argued. "It never bothered you before who I slept with." "It bothers me because it's Scully." "I think you're a being a little bit overprotective of her. You're her friend and you're her partner. You're not married to her." She looked at him, at his anger and his pain, suddenly seeing another point of view. "This isn't all about me, is it? Are you jealous, Mulder?" "No, of course not." "Yeah, right. Maybe not jealous sexually, but you've never had to share either of us, and you're afraid of losing us both." She put her hand on his arm. "Mulder, we've never, ever let a woman come between us before. That's not going to happen now. I won't let it." "But it's different this time, Fletcher. You're sleeping with someone I care about. That's never happened before. Well, not since Starling anyway." "Care about how? Are you interested in Scully?" "God, no," he cringed. "That'd be, uh, almost incestuous." "Then what is it? Why are you so mad at me?" "Let's face it, Fletcher, you're reputation isn't exactly sterling. Scully deserves better." "Scully deserves better or Scully deserves a man?" she asked pointedly. "You know that's not what I mean. Scully can sleep with whomever she wants." "That's mighty big of you, especially since you really don't have any say in the matter." "I don't want to see her get hurt, Fletcher." "Did you ever stop to think that maybe I could be the one to get hurt?" "You? How?" "Mulder, she could just as easily dump me." "As if you'd be hurt by that." "Trust me, Mulder, I could be very hurt by Scully dumping me." "It'd be just your pride that'd be hurt, and only because you got dumped before you could do the dumping." "What do I have to do to prove how I feel about her?" "Are you in love with her?" he asked. "I don't think so," she said slowly. "Not yet, but I could be. It wouldn't take much." She looked down at the ground, embarrassed to admit her feelings. "Between you and me, Mulder, I haven't felt this way about anyone since Starling." "And we know how well that worked out." "It's different this time." "Different how?" "I'm afraid," she confessed. "I'm afraid of getting hurt, of Scully not feeling the same way." "I don't think you have to worry about Scully." "Why not?" "She's got it bad for you." "Do you really think so?" Fletcher asked hopefully. "Oh, yeah. I've never seen Scully look so happy." Mulder admitted to himself. "Spooky, I need you to be okay with this. Scully needs you to be okay with this." "And if I'm not?" "It won't change things between Scully and me." "I guess I'll have to be until you prove me wrong. But mark my words, Fletcher, if you hurt her, I'll never forgive you." "If I hurt her, Mulder, I'll never forgive myself." She picked up the basketball and tossed it to him. "I think it's your shot." "Let's call it a tie." "Okay," she agreed. "So, almost-birthday-boy, what do you feel like having for breakfast?" "What have you got?" "You can have eggs, french toast, waffles or pancakes." "How about scrambled eggs AND waffles?" "Okay, but make sure you leave room for lunch." "I will." Fletcher put her arm across Mulder's shoulders as they walked into the house. "Mulder, this is a big deal for me, and I need to be able to share it with you." "Just give me some time to get used to it, Fletcher." He grinned. "I'm not sure I'm ready to stop calling you 'Lecher'. It's the only nickname I have for you." "Well, Spooky, if anyone could make me retire it, Scully could." Scully was up, showered and dressed when they returned to the house. She'd already put on a pot of coffee and was taking out three mugs when they walked into the kitchen. "Who won?" she asked. "Well, I was going to let the birthday boy win, but he called it quits." "Whew! You two need to shower," she said, her nose crinkling and her hand waving in front of her face. "Are you offering to wash my back?" Fletcher asked, a suggestive grin on her face. "I don't think so." "How about mine?" Mulder piped up. "Definitely not." "It's my birthday - almost - Scully. I'll even get into my birthday suit for you." "Sounds tempting, Mulder, but I'll have to pass." "Damn. Well, can't blame a guy for trying," he said, shrugging his shoulders. He poured himself a cup of coffee and carried it upstairs with him. "I've got a breakfast to cook." "Go take your shower first. In the meantime, what can I do to help?" "Well, you can fry up the pound of bacon and cook the package of sausage." "You trust me in your kitchen?" "I think so." She walked over to Scully. "So, am I too sweaty and too smelly to get a good morning kiss?" "Well, I think you blew your chance for one when you deserted me in bed this morning." "I didn't want to wake you up." "That didn't stop you last night." "That was different," she said, kissing Scully's neck. "Go take a shower," she said, pushing against Fletcher's chest. "And you'd better make it a cold one." "You're no fun," she whined as she left the room. "Fletcher?" "Yes?" "Your whine is almost as good as Mulder's." "Hah, hah, hah, Red." End Chapter 10