House of Cards - Chapter 2 By Jennifer T. Brooks E-Mail: ******************************************* FBI Headquarters July 23, 1998 10:48 a.m. Fox Mulder was perplexed by his partners lack of interest in anything these day. She seemed to be distancing herself from him. he thought to himself. Ever since their little adventure in Antarctica he thought that they were closer than ever and he was finally going to get his chance with her. He cared very deeply for her, but he knew that it wasn't love. He didn't feel that he knew her well enough to love her, but yet in a way he did know her. How could he love her when he didn't know basic things about her like what her favorite color is, what animals she had as a child, etc. But yet in another sense he knew deeply personal things about her like what she feared most. When did his life become so complicated? Why couldn't he have normal relationships like most people. Why couldn't he have a normal functioning family? Why was his job so damned difficult? Why was the only woman in his life a five foot two inch pistol packing FBI babe who seemed to be devoid of emotion? He needed to change things and quick. He sure wasn't getting any younger, but the question was how? How was he going to change things? What did he want out of life? What did he want people to remember him for when he died? A paranoid man with no friends? He decided the best thing for him to do when he was in this kind of mood was to take a jog. Since Dana Scully wasn't in the office this morning he didn't have to worry about changing in the men's restroom. He quickly put on a pair of black running shorts, a white tank top, a pair of white socks, and his running shoes and headed out the door. Dana came back from her meeting at Quantico and was surprised to find an empty office. No note or anything explaining his absence. She decided that there was a lot of paperwork for her to catch up on. Minutes later she was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Come in." she replied. Agent Fowley slowly opened the door and entered the room, "Dana, I just got notice today that you and Fox are scheduled for annual physical training next week at Quantico. This year they aren't allowing participants the option of staying in local hotels or commuting. All field agents are to stay in the dormitories at Quantico for the first night and the remainder of the time will be spent in field training. You are to report there tonight at 12 am." "Field training?" Dana asked. "A nice word they have come up with for roughing it in the wild." Dana thought for a minute before responding. "Why the change in protocol?" "I was informed of the field training this morning in a meeting of Division heads. It seems that the training is warranted due to several incidents in the past six months of field agents not being able to survive in the field for more than two days at a time. It has been decided that all agents in the next year will need to re-qualify on their weapons, physical fitness skills, and outdoor survival skills. The complete training will last two weeks. Since you and Fox don't have any open cases, now would be the opportune time to do it. Think of this as a little camping trip." "Does Mulder know?" "I informed him earlier this morning when he came in. Why don't you take an early lunch and the rest of the afternoon off to pack." "I think I will Agent Fowley." "See you in two weeks, Dana. Just so you know, they are grading each participant and it will be part of your file. This is being done to discourage agents who don't realize the seriousness of this training. I'm sure that you will do fine and make this division proud." ******************************************* Later that evening Apartment of Dana Scully 8:59 p.m. Dana was trying to figure out what to pack when she heard a knock on the door. She went over to answer it without even looking in the peep hole, knowing that it had to be Mulder. "Evening Scully, almost packed for our little trip into the forest, part two?' "Very funny Mulder, and no. I hate these things. I don't like the short notice. I don't like not knowing what we're going to be doing, and most of all I don't like camping in the woods." "Scully, it's not camping, it's survival training. Think of the adventure." "Mulder, if I wanted adventure or survival training I would have joined the Navy." "I'm really surprised that you don't like camping Scully. All these years I thought you were my model for nature woman." "Think again, Mulder. I'm the model for modern convenience woman. I don't despise camping, I'd just rather have a warm bed, running water and air conditioning." "Scully, say no more. You are ruining a long running fantasy I've had about you." "Very funny, Mulder. Are you finished packing?" Dana Scully said as she swatted Mulder on the arm. "Finished hours ago. I, for one, am looking forward to this little trip into the woods." "At least one of us is. I still find it suspicious that they send the two of us there in the middle of a heat wave and give us a 10 hour notice. This reeks of a conspiracy." "That's my line Scully, get your own. It won't be that bad. Two weeks of hell and then we get another year on easy street." "Easy street? What are you high? You consider the constant threats to our lives and health, easy street. I think you need to get a new version of reality Mulder." "Scully, shut up and pack or we'll be late." "It's not like we are going to miss out on the best hotel room Mulder, they are making us sleep outside where it is hot and sweaty." "Hot and sweaty, oh another fantasy about you is coming back." "Mulder," Scully said while giving him the look that he had better keep his thoughts to himself or face grave bodily injury. Mulder took the warning and chose to remain quiet while Scully finished packing her clothes. Mulder entertained her with camping stories of his youth. By 10 p.m. they were all packed in her car and off to Quantico. ******************************************* Quantico, Virginia July 25, 1998 3 am Dana Scully woke up to find her sleeping bag soaking wet. She looked around the tent to find the source of the water when she realized that it was pouring rain outside and what she thought was the sound of wind was actually the patter rain beating down on the sides of her tent. She thought to herself wondering what time it was. A quick check of her watch revealed that it was 3:00 am. She knew that she didn't have to be ready until 7 am for the morning exercises but decided to get a head start. She quickly changed into her dry clothes, glad that she had spent the extra money and gotten an water proof knapsack. She wondered if Mulder was soaking wet in his tent. Upon exiting the tent she found that the world was in a quiet slumber around her. She heard Mulder stirring in his sleep and quietly tiptoed around his tent to the clearing in the woods where the foot trail began. 5 miles later she felt exhilarated from her run and slightly sweaty. She knew that there was nothing that could be done about the wet conditions, for they were officially roughing it, which meant no showers for the week. Scully was glad that she brought her dry shampoo or else by the end of the week she would have looked positively awful, as if she didn't at that moment. Approaching the clearing where the tents located, she quietly tiptoed around the other tents toward hers. As she unzipped her tent she heard someone behind her. She turned to see that it was Mulder who was holding his index finger up to his lips to let her know not to speak. He motioned for her to follow him to the clearing in the woods were the trail was. Once they reached the clearing he grabbed her arm to pull her closer to him so that he could talk to her without arousing attention. "Scully. What the hell do you think you are doing at this time of the morning?" he asked harshly. "I woke up to a wet bed and decided to go for a run to warm myself up." "What did you wet the bed?" "Very funny Mulder. No the monsoon left my tent in about 6 inches of water." "We have physical training in a few hours Scully. You obviously look like you just ran quite a distance. How are you going to manage to complete the training without looking so exhausted that they wonder if you are capable for the job. You know that we're being graded on our performance." "No Mulder, we're being evaluated separately. Don't worry I'm not going to ruin your perfect score. I'm going to do it like I normally do Mulder. This isn't an issue, stop trying to make it out to be. I went for a little jog. There was no harm done. I will be able to do my exercises and pass them without one person looking at me wondering what is wrong." "If you say so. How was the trail at this time of the morning?" He asked changing the subject. "It was fine Mulder. Nice and peaceful. Not too muddy." Mulder and Scully sat down on a log in silence and watched the sun rise. About 10 minutes before the wake up bell they climbed back into their own tents so as to not arouse suspicion as to why two members of the opposite sex were out of their tents together. ******************************************* Quantico, Virginia July 25, 1998 7:30 am The three mile jog was nothing, Scully thought as she mindlessly ran. I could go another 20 miles, she thought. Mulder ran beside her in silence wondering exactly how long of a jog she took this morning. Mulder thought. He focused on the trees ahead wondering how old they were and if they contained any of the green larvae they founds in the trees in the pacific northwest. When they reached the end of the trail they were divided into teams of two for problem solving exercises. Mulder remembered the warning that Diana gave him that they were being evaluated on all the exercises. Everyone received individual and team ratings on how well they had done and that information went into the employee's personnel file. Those that didn't take the training seriously often found themselves reprimanded. Mulder was secretly glad that he had been paired with Scully. He knew that she would take everything they did quite seriously and give it 100 percent. He didn't expect anything less from Miss Magna Cum Laude. During the afternoon session they had firearm practice, and some classroom training on outdoor survival skills. Mulder knew that at the end of the week they would be dropped off in some location to find some suspect within a given amount of time. They had to use the skills they learned in the training sessions and their physical prowess to find the UNSUB. This exercise was the only reason that Mulder wanted to go to the training other than the fact that it was required and Diana and Skinner had ordered them to go. He found all the physical exercises and tests mundane, but playing in the woods was fun. Mulder also hoped to use this training as a chance to get a little closer to Scully and find out what was going on in that red head of hers. She had been distant since they arrived at Quantico and he wanted to know why. He hoped that he wasn't the reason for her silence. He thought it was ironic that to most outsiders they seemed to have the perfect partnership, but that could not be further from the truth. Partners have open communication and share themselves. All Scully did was shut herself off emotionally and erect walls that he didn't think anyone was capable of climbing over. ******************************************* Quantico, Virginia July 27, 1998 For the next few days Mulder and Scully settled into a comfortable routine. Morning physical fitness training, firearms practice, lunch and afternoon survival skills practice followed by more physical fitness training. Mulder was secretly glad that he and Scully jogged together on a daily basis or else he would have been in big trouble. Several agents had already succumbed and had to be taken to the infirmary due to heat exhaustion. Mulder thought that they were being nice calling it heat exhaustion. He thought it was more like fat ass disease. For all the meals they were given Meals Ready to Eat (MRE's) and water to drink. Scully would always pick through her MRE claiming that it was disgusting and that she was going to go for a walk. With all this exercise they were getting, Mulder was constantly hungry and eagerly ate whatever she didn't want. For this particular lunch she only ate a bit of the fruit salad and gave him the rest. She told him that she wanted to go for a walk to get away from the rest of the agents who were eating lunch around them. He saw her jog up to the start of the trail system and then disappear behind some trees. What he didn't realize was that she went running again. She kept a close eye on her watch so that she would be back in time for the firearm training. At the firing range she effortlessly hit one shot after another. Mulder stood beside her amazed at her skill. Several other agents stopped to watch were wondering where she learned to shoot. To him Scully looked like she was staring off into the horizon shooting her gun. In reality Scully just numbly held her gun and fired. She saw the target in her mind and it wasn't a bulls-eye, it was the men that took her and did tests on her in the arctic. She hadn't told Mulder what had happened and that she remembered them and their "tests". Tests that they said were necessary to do, tests that would somehow help the human race. She didn't care about the human race at the time. All she cared about was saving herself from the pain and the embarrassment of what they were doing to her. Most of all she had wished that Mulder would find her and take her away from the awful place. When she ran, she was running away from them, from what they did to her, from what they took away from her. When Dana ran she felt that it was the only time that she had control over her life. For her not to run, was for her to die. Running was her life. She needed to run. She had to run. To live. She knew that Mulder would not have been able to understand her or her needs at this point in time. When she looked at him she saw him and Diana Fowley. She didn't know why it bothered her so much that they were lovers in the past. She thought to herself. Somehow Mulder managed to get included in the group of people and emotions Scully wanted to shut herself off from. There, she admitted it to herself but was unwilling to go any further in her self-analysis. The next few days went by in silence for Mulder and Scully. Scully ran during all her free time and Mulder chose to relax and catch up on some reading. He was somewhat dismayed to find that she wanted little to do with him during the training. Sure she talked to him when necessary and gave everything to the training, but he still couldn't get over the fact that their friendship was breaking up in front of his eyes. Thursday morning they were to pick one person from each team to run a 10 km marathon with gear strapped to their back. Mulder knew that he could probably do it but that it would be hard. Scully volunteered to go for their team and Mulder accepted. Bonus points were to be given by the team that finished first. Mulder really wanted those bonus points because they added up to extra time off with pay and allowed them more time to find the UNSUB in the woods. Mulder walked Scully down to the starting line. There were about 25 other men competing with Scully. She was the only woman although about 25% of the field training participants were women. Scully started the race at the back of the pack. Mulder thought she looked quite sexy in her FBI T-shirt and shorts. They were a little big on her but Mulder knew that she was wearing the smallest size possible. Mulder heard the gunfire and saw the racers take off and Scully start to run. They were quickly out of his view and he knew that it would be awhile before they would be back. He decided to take the time and get some pistol practice in since he would be representing their team later on that day. He knew that he was not nearly as good as shot as Scully was and wondered why she volunteered to do the running part instead of the firearms. He assumed that it had to be because she knew that she would win the firearms competition hands down and needed a challenge. That was his Scully, always having to prove that she was the best. Coming around the bushes Scully was in a trance like state as she followed the runners ahead of her. She heard people breathing heavily around her but didn't feel a thing. All she felt was numbness. She felt nothing. She thought. She decided to pass a couple people as she ran and ran. Mulder fired his gun at the target repeatedly. He found that it helped to think of the cigarette smoking man as he kept aim on the target. His accuracy rate was getting much better. Not as good as Scully's, but still an improvement. He heard a commotion and knew that one of the runners was rumored to be close to finishing. He looked at his watched and calculated that the person must be doing a 5 minute mile, almost unheard of. He went with the rest of the agents down to the finish line in time to see none other than Dana Scully cross the line. Mulder thought at first that he wasn't seeing straight. His Scully finishing in that good of time? She received pats on the back and words of congratulations from all the agents. One of the trainers announced that she had broken the trail record by 4 minutes. She just shrugged her shoulders as if this were a common occurrence. Mulder just stared at her in amazement. When had she learned to run that fast. He was dismayed to realize that on their daily jogs she must have been holding back for him. Mulder and Scully stayed as the other runners started coming in. Scully wouldn't leave until the last man passed the finish line and she offered him a word of congratulations for finishing. Eight men ended up not being able to finish. Not finishing was certainly a black mark in the personnel file. He knew that there were going to be 16 pissed off men that night, not only the ones that didn't finish but their partners as well. He was glad that he was paired with Miss Over Achiever. They ate dinner that night in silence. Scully didn't have much to say to Mulder other than ask him how the pistol practice went. Mulder was too amazed by his partner who continued to astonish him daily to be much of a conversationalist. ******************************************* Monongahela National Forest July 30, 1998 7:30 am Dana Scully and Fox Mulder were dropped off in the middle of Monongahela National Forest with a team of 6 other FBI agents. It was up to the team to agree on where to sleep, where to look and how to apprehend the suspect. The FBI academy instructors had divided all the agents up into teams of six and dropped them all off in different parts of the forest. They were all the same distance from the UNSUB and all had an equal chance of finding him or her. The group that apprehended the suspect first got to sleep in the dormitories for the remainder of the training. The rest of the groups had to sleep in the tents and were subject to more physical exercise. There would only be one team that won. Mulder's team, referred to as Team Alpha, was given one road map of the area and little more. Each agent was given a flashlight, unloaded weapon, compass and the clothing on their backs. They were told to be ready for all the elements and this exercise was designed to simulate the conditions upon which other agents found themselves unprepared. This was a test to see if they could find and apprehend a subject under rough conditions. They were given two days to find and apprehend the suspect. They were dropped off on the main road leading to the park. Due to Scully winning the running competition and Mulder coming in third on the firearm competition, they were the agents in charge on Team Alpha. Mulder decided to let a cocky agent named Samuelson lead the group while Mulder and Scully lagged behind the rest of the group. Mulder was bored and tired from all the exercise and lack of sleep. He was looking forward to this little excursion but now only wanted to take a bath and have a nice long nap on his couch. "At least at Quantico they gave us a tent and food," Mulder mumbled to Scully. "But as I clearly recalled, you seldom slept in yours anyway Mulder," Scully said teasing him. She had heard him leave his tent in the middle of the night several times during basic training. She assumed that due to the length of his absence, and the rumors circulating, that he was paying a nightly visit to Natasha, an attractive blond that was a profiler in the VCS for the past 6 years. She liked Natasha and got a long well with her. "And what are you insinuating, Agent Scully?" Mulder asked. "Nothing. Just making an observation," Scully replied. "Scully, how the hell did you manage to run that fast?" "Mulder you sound surprised." "I guess that I am," Mulder replied. "Why because I'm a woman?" Scully asked sounding irritated. "No, it has nothing to do with the fact that you are woman. Okay maybe it does. If a man cannot finish in that time, a man that's larger with longer legs, mind you, I don't see how you could." "Maybe you'll never know Mulder." "With the time that you made on that course you should be competing in the Olympics Scully, not working for the FBI," Mulder said sincerely. "How do you know that I'm not training for the Olympics. I always wanted to see Sydney." "You're training for the Olympics Scully? When do you find the time?" Mulder asked not sure of she was telling the truth or not. She had hidden so much of her private life from him that he did not find the idea of her training for the Olympics inconceivable. "Calm down Mulder. I didn't say that I was training. I just thought it was rude for you to assume that because I'm a woman I wouldn't be able to run as fast as a man would. I find your caveman attitude less than endearing." "It's not that you're a woman, it's just that you are short." "Mulder, I cannot believe you just said that. Height doesn't matter in speed. What matters is the amount of fast twitch muscle fibers that you have. The more that you have, the faster oxygen goes to then, the faster that you run. It all has to do with genetics. Blame my parents." "I think I just got very turned on," Mulder said as Scully swatted him on the arm. "Hey Mulder and Scully, we need to formulate a plan for getting the perp," Samuelson called to them interrupting their conversation. They made their way to the rest of the group. -END-