I'm not the only one who does these things, here's where you can find the rest of the bunch. All manner of characters, all manner of comics, all manner of goofyness. Also check out the messageboard (which I run) and the RPG in the works...
Gilgamesh's Chun-Li fan site, and hence the rallypoint of all comic makers. Gil and I have done a lot for each other, and I don't think either of us would of gotten to where we are without the other. Oh, and his page is really worth a look too.
Ash Rigo, the big Number 2 in the CCA (I turned down the job). After I showed up, Ash was the next to come in on the scene and things really took off. His comics are more then worth the look.
G-Man's site, and home to his comics and the like. He's managed to impress me ever since showing up, going from clueless newbe to comic master in less then a year. Not just that, but also his sprite editing skills and the like are also quite impressive. Hey, he even made some spiffy spritesets of Seph and me as Kaze.
Aside from being another wonderfull fansite to the Saikyo Master, Mad Spence keeps his Dan comics here for the world to enjoy. He really caught on quick with the comic making. Give him a visit.
Violent Dave combines metal, Britishness, Cammy, Krillin, and anything else in his head and makes comics out of it. And hey, it works. Go see for yourself.
Lain here is one of the newest memebers of the CCA, and shows plenty of promise. So far, she's got everything down right, and can only go up from here.
All the Crossover Comics spawned from the Mr. T vs. X trend, so here's the master list. Too bad the whole thing went down the tolet in terms of qualty and output. Hell, I even set up a (now defunt) awards page for them. Oh well, check out the once glorious past.
The real thing, kids. Looks like David has let it go to the wayside, but plenty to learn and know about defending the newsgroups you love. I miss those days...
The charter for the blessed newsgroup itself. If you want to check it out, you better damn well follow the rules listed here. No vampires, vampyres, mansoites, stupid WebTVer's, trolls, spammers, etc...
A Seph fansite that gave me my first award. Thankfully still around and going strong, we need more good Seph sites ever since SnO passed on. Keep it up.
Feel free to link to me all you want, and here's an image you can use:
Just remember to keep it on your own sever. Don't be a moron and link the image from here.