Well folks, I knew I was promising this for over a year now, and I'm really sorry for all of you who really were looking forward to this, but I thought it best to end it now rather then drag it on for several more months with no action. Besides, I'd rather get to doing Uncle Andy sooner then later.

    There's several reasons why I've decided to scrap the project. First off is the one I just mentioned, it was taking just too damn long. Next is the fact that Terri hasn't befouled usenet with her presence in years. This is due to the hard work that despammers across the net had done to curtail her evil deeds. She knows full well if she were to ever come back, she would be drawn, quartered, have each of her limbs sent to a distant corner of the
Earth, and her head would be launched into the Sun. That is if she could find an ISP with an abuse department that never heard of her. This leads to the fact that outside net abuse and weird sex circles, she is unknown. Now and back then in her glory days. Even though her name is still mentioned only in whispers, most people no longer see her as an immediate threat to the well being of Usenet.
    The next reason is just the lack of good images to use. First there's Terri herself. That picture is the only known image of her (presuming that it's genuine in the first place). Sure I color-tinted it, but still with only one image to use over and over, that would get old quick. Hell, I have a hard enough time making my other comics with the few Sephiroth images from Square and the ones I captured from Eherhez. Also there was the other elements that will become apparent when I get to the outline.

    Third is that I don't want to start another damn comic feud for other creators to pick up on. Gil took Nori far enough, and Pocketwatch has been beaten enough already. I don't want to see another overused gag, much less one of my own creation.

Anyway, on to what you would of seen, click here.
