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Obsession Video

Now, I assume that you have all seen the video by now right? I hope so. Now that it's out, I can tell you a little bit about what happened behind the scenes that day.

To be an extra in a music video is a pretty intersting experiance. I would love to do it again sometime. Jan (a friend of mine) and I were a couple of the first people to show up at the part. Of course the band was there before us. We gave our permission forms to Debbie and we were told to sit down for a while because they weren't going to shoot right that second. Luckily, there was some swings, so that kept us entertained for a while. We met a group of intersting young girls. You guys rock!! Say hi to the pig! Don't ask... We met the guys, the girls had their pics taken with them, asked them questions and stuff... Me on the other hand... They jokingly refused to sign anything because "we already know you". Then we had a conversation about them going to my highschool for some reason and then they started talking to me about how cool they were. It was cute.

The director of the video (Dan's cousin or something) told us to go sit in front of the guys. I don't know if you can find me. In the first part of the video, I am sitting right in front of Ryan. My friends say they can't see me. But I can, that's all that matters. Our job was to, basically, pretend that we are fans of the band. Which was weird becuase we were. It wasn't really hard to do. When the director yelled, "CAR!!" We had to run in the direction he told us to or the car would hit us. The first take wasn't perfect. Ryan smushed Jan's foot with the mic stand, and the car drove to far and almost hit Ryan, he couldn't stop laughing when the ninjas jumped out of the car and they ran over the mic stand and broke it. We must have did that scene at lest 10 times that day.

Ryan was laughing at me and my friend most of the time, more so during the car scene. It was becuse of this: The car would stop on my sitting spot. It was an old car. When it moved, it left this puddle of something and we didn't know about it. So at the same time, when we sat down again, we jumped up yelling "EW!! CAR PEE!!". I guess it was a good reason for laughing at us. Oh well...

Basically, the whole day we pretended to be fans, that's it.. oh and dodging cars and stuff... Between takes we would talk to they guys and really get to know them. I learned that Ryan knew too much about BSB. I was wearing a Brian necklace (note: I only wore it cause my sister was nice enough to actually buy me something) and Ryan saw it and told me about his heart surgery. Jon and I started laughing at him because it was funny to hear this from a punk band member... He was blushing so bad! I thought that was so cute.

Janet and I swung a lot... on the swings... and for a while Ryan's little sis joined us. She's so adorable! Anyways... She was swinging and she told me that I looked like this girl in her class... which I thought was weird... but she said it was a good thing.

During another break, me and Jen went back to the swings but Stever and Dan stole them!! I was mad! So, we sat on the monkey bars. We were watching some little kid run around like crazy. We knew he was gonna fall, and he did. Dan went up to the poor little boy and helped him up. It was so cute! Jan and I yelled "Aw!!" a little too loud and he heard us and blushed... It was adorable!

More of the story comming soon...

