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Prom 2000 Making Memories, Dreaming Dreams(corny huh?)

My Junior prom was held on May 12th 2000 at the Sand Dunes Club on Sullivan's Island...I had a lot of fun. Here's some pics!

Here is Jason, my love, Prince Charming coming to pick up Me!

Here we are together...Miss America Pose =Þ

After the corsage and bouteniere are put on..time for another pic!

Now our professional pictures! Daw aren't we cute. :-)

We ate at Olive Garden

Jason and his best bud Kenny EATIN at prom

After the Prom we went on the Harbor Cruise

Ok I have the weirdest face right here and my bf looks evil LOL

"I'm Patrick Bateman" LOL American Psycho AKA Jason


LOL I'll never live this pic down...Thanks Sarah.

THE AFTERMATH she's a monster kids and her shirt is on backwards

More to Sarah and Holly