Bulletin Board UBB Codes
When you are posting: You can use some UBB codes (sort of like HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language)), I think it stands for 'Ultimate Bulletin Board', to put "hyperlinks", e-mail addresses, bold and italicize text and blockquote text in your posts! You can use HTML sometimes, but you can use UBB even if the administrator has HTML disabled. You'll look like a real professional BB post-er!
If you want to tell someone about a neat website, hmmmm, like maybe THIS one? <laughing> just put the following right before the "www", no spaces between. First put a left bracket "[", then the letters "url", either case, then a right bracket "]". Then, after the last character in the address, no spaces before, you put basically the same brackets and letters EXCEPT insert a forward slash "/" in front of the letters "url", inside the brackets. And that's it! Anyone reading your post just has to "click" on the addy (that is slang for address) and they will be whisked away to the page. Neat, huh?
You can do e-mail addresses sort of the same way EXCEPT substitute the letters "email" for the letters "url" in the brackets and viola' when someone clicks on the email they are transported to Microsoft Express or whatever mail utility is the default and the address is already in the "To:" field. You CAN do images that way with an "img" in the brackets but this is discouraged because it eats up memory and makes the pages take longer to load.
You can bold and italicize text sort of the same way EXCEPT put a "b" or an "i" between the brackets and remember the slash "/" in the ending one and no spaces between the text and the commands! (Aw, come on now, if you are brilliant enough to find this fantastic site you can figure out which letter does WHAT!) Yes, you can do BOTH just put each code sequentially on each side of the text, no spaces. In other words, put a left bracket, the "b" or "i", the right bracket, a left bracket, the OTHER letter, then a right bracket then put the same thing AFTER the text but include the "/" in front of the letters.
You can also "blockquote" text sort of the same way EXCEPT put the word "quote" between the brackets and remember the slash "/" in the ending one and no spaces between the text and the commands! You typically would use blockquoting if you are copying part of someone else's post and quoting them and giving them credit ( a SMART thing to do, especially if it's MY material you're using ).
Created by
Southern Gentleman Endeavors
09-Jul-1999 23:00
Revised: 16-Mar-2000 16:30