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Hey! How are ya today? Well this is new to this page but I want you to do this.You see Jesus Christ loved us so much that He died on the cross for our sins.He loves all of us just the same.You see I am a sinner too.But, the difference is that I have a revival in my heart for Him.Now don't be intimidated.He loves you so much that He had a crown of thorns drove deep in His skull and nails driven into his hands for YOU and I.If you realize that and you want Jesus Christ in your heart pray this prayer with me.

Heavenly Father,

I believe that Your Word is Truth. I believe that, according to the Scriptures Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, and that He rose again on the third day.I repent of all my sin.Heavenly Father I ask you to cleanse and purge me from all unrighteousness with the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.Lord Jesus I give myself to You to serve You-spirit-soul-and-body.Lord Jesus fill me with your Holy Spirit and walk with me daily.Help me to be all that You created me to be and teach me to walk in Your will for my life.


If you prayed this prayer tonight or whenever you did let me know by emailing me.i will help u in ur walk with Christ.