Spinning and twirling they dance around y heart
Slow spirals, leading me for dead.
you sit across the room with your grin upon that
face and watch, and oh that face.
It pains me to look at it for its beauty is so far out
of my reach.
So there we were, us two, strung out and laughing.
Each with their own thoughts and ponderments,
never to be discovered by the other.
The dance continues. The confusion sets in.
Brilliant colors exploit out bodies and minds as we
travel from desolate, smoke filled room to the
hetight of extrems.
We come to a field, full of flowers
The flowers are of no color we can imagine in our
right minds. unfathmable brilliance.
Never landing , our "bodies" hover over this
euphoria, and I look up at you.
Floating on, our journey together continues.
Abruptly halting, I fall back into myself,
and you fall into me.
We are no longer on a journey as two separte
beings, but one.
It is a journey from bed to floor,
room to room and beyond...
It is our turn to dance.
In darkness I find a home,
with the moon to guide along.
The shadows mask the fears,
of passing days and years.
And the devil within,
brings out evil yet again.
My life doomed to be,
Trapped in hell eternally.
I from whom God turned away,
Must now find another way.
To reach peace and solitude.
And break away for the evil brood.
I wait for an end, ubt never comes.
This road I've chosen, the road of destruction,
lingers on for miles.
Fervently, I pray for a detour, a shortcut, anything,
but I am only faced with signs
-no U-turn, no right on red after stop.
I'm stuck.
I've made my decision.
Im driving the crooked path that could eventually
lead to my downfall.
I've reached the point of no return.
Hey, at least I'm having fun.
Love is just a feeling we make up
To fill the space where our
Innocence use to be.
I close my eyes, and think to myself,
Am I all alone in this world?
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Who sees what this world is comming to?
The mass destruction, the heavy pollution,
The murders that are committed and
The criminal tried and set free to do the same
Damn thing over again.
All it takes is one to make a difference in things.
This is what I believe I was left alone to do.
Yes, I'm all alone.
They all flock together,
Friends one day,
Enemies the next.
Their whole existance
Thrives on conflicts
They can conjure up
Between them.
The same mouths that
Ravage each other's
Bodies are the same
Mouths that stab
Them in the back.
Careless sex and
Over exaggerated anger,
Mixed in with the
Never-ending rush for the
Drugs that fill their lives.
It seems that one day
They would grow tired
Of this drama that
Is Broad Street.
Beware of their
Smiles and kind words:
They may be just
Hiding the venom
They will soon spew.
Maybe one day they
Will come down from
Their endless trip
Where anger and lust
Is heightened
And Broad will be
Spared of hot tempers,
Constant groping,
And blue lights.