New Radicals

Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too

Like a breath of fresh air, the smooth sounds of New Radicals hit the world with the subtle and understated "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too". New Radicals are the one man project of one Gregg Alexander, who has crafted a refreshing blend of soulful tunes with a unique and truly capturing

perspective. The classic and reason to buy is the truly wonderful "You Get What You Give." With a floating groove of piano notes, capturing music and the soothing voice of Alexander, the track is just magic. "You Get What You Give" is also a very good introduction to the style and uninhibited groove of the New Radicals. Although there isn't much in the way of variance, the songs come off new and unique. "I Don't Wanna Die Anymore" is a beautiful, piano powered ballad with Alexander's vocals that accompany perfectly. "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too" doesn't stand out right away, it's soft, quiet and unexpected.

The New Radicals are the most surprising new project soon to be in the conscious of America. With their truly radical approach, far from the world of shock and desensitization, they will be on top before you know it.

Grade: B+


~ Jess Redmon ~

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