New Radicals
Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too


Unless I miss my guess, Gregg Alexander probably has plenty of Hall & Oates in his record collection. That could be a huge liability, or it could be a big head start on the pop music scene, depending on how he absorbs the influence. On Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too, the ideas, bells and whistles work very well most of the time, though a few tracks run way too long. "I Hope I Didn't Just Give Away The Ending" has at least three nice ideas that are totally exhausted by the four minute mark, and at that point there's still two and a half minutes to go.

On the other hand, "In Need Of A Miracle" wraps all the hooks and decorations into a perfect little pop tune, getting in and back out in three and a half minutes, as prescribed on the stone tablets in holy times.

There's plenty to like here, and only a few things to shun. I'd like to see New Radicals attempt a few more tunes above 100 beats per minute on the next album. For my money, they're at their most interesting when they've got an edge. It would also be nice to hear them with a little less production so potentially hot tunes like "Flowers" don't end up drowned in syrup. The ingredients are there.


~ DJ Johnson ~

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