Review from Dagbladet 9th February 1999
'Maybe you've been brainwashed too'
Gregg Alexander is the rocker who makes pop music with the attitude of a gospel singer. In his best moments on New Radicals' debut album, he can be recognized as an enormous talent.
The band New Radicals, which in reality is Alexander's one-man project, sends the listener straight to pop heaven after the first two songs on the album ('Mother we just can't get enough' and 'You get what you give'). Both are characterized by an unruly strenght, a massive richness in ideas, and a nearly spiritual way of dealing with the pop genre. It sounds like Mick Jagger has been given a job in World Party, while the spirit of Supertramp rests in the studio walls.
The production side of the record is quite commercial, but Alexander shows an unusual talent and devotion for what he's doing. 'I hope I didn't just give away the ending' starts like a commotioned maelstrom, but develops masterly into a beautiful, melancholy popsong. Sadly, the material doesn't last throughout the album, but everything indicates that New Radicals is a name worth looking out for.
~ Håkon Moslet ~
Typed and translated (from norwegian) by: Sissel Helene Heiberg
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