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Star Trek The Final Frontier Bloopers Page
Ship Decks
In the scene where the ship has been boarded by the terrorists, Spocks has the Jet Boots on and he grabs Kirk and they fly up the tubolift sharts they finally stop at Deck 99. There is so much wrong with this scene it's not funny. First of all, the Enterpirse A doesn't have 99 Decks, it has twenty some. The Enterprise D, which is considerably larger only has forty-two. And even if it did have 99, the top deck has the lowest number (one) and they the deck numbers increase as you go down. And finally, they went straight up 99 decks, the turbolift shafts can't go straight up, by looking at the exterior of the ship you can see, that it never goes straight up the full number of decks.

Deck Numbers
The deck numbers go as follows 35,52,64,52,77,78,and 78 again. There are two deck 52's and two deck 78's. There is something certanly wrong with this ship! This ship is supposed to be smaller than the Enterprise E and it has 3 times as many decks!

At the end, when Spock confronts 'God', he gets hit in the chest with a lightning bolt. When we see him on the ground, he has a burn mark on the front of his jacket and on the back. If the lightning bolt went through him, I'm sorry, he would not just get up and dust himself off; he would be very dead! All his insides would be fried!

Aging Crew
Star Trek V takes place about 4 months after Star Trek II.....Example...After Spock died in Star Trek II. It takes them about a week or less to get back to Earth in Star Trek II. After they steal the Enterprise in Star Trek III They go to Vulcan and spend 3 months there which brings you to Star Trek IV. At the end of Star Trek IV which took place over 2 days, They go on shore leave and come back to the ship 3 weeks later.....So If its been only 4 months since Star Trek II.........Why does the crew look so much older?

The Great Barrier
According to the Enterprise crew when they are told they are going to pass through the energy barrier at the centre of the galaxy every ship which has tried this before has been destroyed. Yet the Enterprise manages it with very little trouble beyond a bit of shaking about. This is the Federation flagship, I suppose, but a pretty beaten-up looking Klingon Bird of Prey then proceeds to follow them and. judging by the state of the Klingon bridge when next we see them , it seems to have had no bother at all.